Agenda item


To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council on 29 July 2022.



Council received and noted the Leader’s Report which provided an update on the work of the cabinet since the previous ordinary meeting of Council on 29 July 2022. The Deputy Leader presented the report to Council.


Council questioned the Deputy Leader and the following actions were raised:


·         To investigate whether there is an organisation to which the winter fuel allowance could be donated for distribution to people struggling with energy costs. If there was no such organisation the feasibility of the council establishing such a body was queried. 

·         To investigate the claim that 10% of the social housing stock in Herefordshire was proposed for disposal.

·         To update members once the Luston wetlands site was functional.

·         To provide a written response providing detail of the current position of the phosphate credit trading scheme.

·         It was proposed that joint scrutiny, with other local authorities, of the Cabinet Commission – restoring the River Wye catchment – occurs.

·         To provide a written response providing detail of the specific number of subsidised properties, listed as ‘Ready for Service’, under the Gigaclear scheme and a list of the communities in which future builds were planned and the timescales for those builds.

·         To provide detail of the roll-out of the Fastershire programme in the Golden Valley North electoral division.

·         To provide a written response concerning the Gigaclear grant and whether it will be rolled forward into the next financial year.

·         To provide a written response with details of the conditions for the dispersal of the rural prosperity fund and what it would be used to support e.g. small business, villages halls.

·         To provide a written response on why capital receipt reserves had been used in preference to prudential borrowing to fund the Maylords Centre.

·         To provide a statement on the outcome of the review of the number of fabricated or induced illness (FII) cases in Herefordshire.

·         Regarding the absence of a mention of ‘signs of safety’ from the delivery plan, to update members if there was to be any change to the use of the single practice approach used in Herefordshire.

·         To provide a written response to answer questions regarding the process that is followed by the Council (to meet its responsibilities to safeguarding children) in cases of peer on peer abuse where there is no police involvement.

·         Regarding the eastern river crossing, to provide an update to all members on the commissioning of the second stage, strategic outline business case.

·         To provide an update to all members on progress to clear the traffic regulation order (TRO) backlog.

·         To look into the cost of school transport of pupils from Hereford and Credenhill to Weobley High School.

·         To provide a written response detailing the stability of the households and placements in which Ukrainian refugees have been accommodated.

·         To provide a briefing note to members regarding funding available to support the housing of Ukrainian refuges and co-ordination with third sector organisations.

·         To raise with the Cost of Living Commission the importance of undertaking an holistic view of the support that was required by families affected by the cost of living crisis.

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