Agenda item


Proposed new dwelling.


The application was refused, contrary to the Case Officer’s recommendation.


The senior planning officer gave a presentation on the application.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking Ms Rigler, spoke on behalf of Orcop Parish Council, Mr Shaw, local resident, spoke in objection to the application and Mr Emerson, the applicant’s agent, provided a statement in support of the application which was read to the committee.


In accordance with the council's constitution the local Ward member spoke on the application. In summary she commented that the application was inconsistent with policy 4 of the draft neighbourhood development plan (NDP) as the development was not within the character of the local area. Further, the application was inconsistent with policy SD1 of the Core Strategy: it was not in keeping with the local surroundings; and the proximity of the proposed development impacted upon the privacy of neighbouring properties. There was an adverse impact on residential amenity posed by the application. Objections to the application concerned the type of building proposed; it had been understood that a bungalow would be built on the site rather than the two storey development currently proposed. There was also significant concern regarding drainage from the site and the impact of flood water from Orcop Hill on the development. The potential for flooding to introduce effluence into the water system was a concern and the potential impact this would have on the River Wye SAC.


The committee discussed the application.


The local Ward member was given the opportunity the close the debate. She explained that the application could be refused as it add an unacceptable impact on residential amenity and was inconsistent with policy SD1. It was noted that the statutory consultees had not raised objections with the application however the robustness of the assessments conducted into drainage and flooding the site was questioned.


A motion that the application be approved, consistent with the case officer’s recommendation, was moved and was lost by simple majority.


A motion that the application be refused due to: the unacceptable impact on residential amenity posed by the size and scale of the development (with reference to policy SD1 of the Core Strategy and ORC1 and ORC4 of the draft Orcop NDP); the inadequacy of assessments and investigations into the impact of the development on local drainage and water management (with reference to policies SD3 and SD4 of the Core Strategy); and the design and scale of the development was not in keeping with the local area (with reference to policies LD1 and SS6 of the Core Strategy) was moved and was carried by a simple majority.


Resolved – that planning permission is refused due to: the unacceptable impact on residential amenity posed by the size and scale of the development (with reference to policy SD1 of the Core Strategy and ORC1 and ORC4 of the draft Orcop NDP); the inadequacy of assessments and investigations into the impact of the development on local drainage and water management (with reference to policies SD3 and SD4 of the Core Strategy); and the design and scale of the development was not in keeping with the local area (with reference to policies LD1 and SS6 of the Core Strategy).


(There was adjournment at 11:16 a.m.; the meeting reconvened at 11:28 a.m.)

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