Agenda item

2021/22 budget setting and consultation

To recommend the approach for consultation to inform the 2021/22 budget and developing the medium term financial strategy (MTFS). Also to recommend an in year review of the capital investment budget.


The cabinet member finance and corporate services explained that the report set out the proposed timetable and process for development of the budget. She noted that arrangements for the consultation were likely to be impacted by Covid, which would make face to face engagement difficult, but the council would be making every effort to engage in different ways. The online survey would be the main opportunity to comment and would run from 19 December through to 8 January. Running the consultation over the Christmas and New Year period was not ideal but the timetable was similar every year. There would be promotion leading up to the launch of the survey so that everyone know when it would be and how to access it. The results of the engagement would be considered by the cabinet at its meeting in January 2021 and the budget would be set by the Council at the February meeting.


Cabinet members discussed the proposals and it was noted that:

·        There would also be a consultation on waste in the New Year and care would need to be taken to avoid consultation fatigue or competition between the two exercises;

·        Expert consultants would be employed to ensure that the council was reaching as many communities and stakeholders as possible, including hard to reach groups;

·        Members of the public were encouraged to use the option to sign up for topic specific alerts on the council website so they would be notified about items they might be interested in;

·        If individual councillors wished to feed in to the framing of the consultation they should make their group leaders aware;

·        While there were concerns about holding the consultation over the holiday period it was also possible that some individuals might find more time to respond while they were not at work;

·        It was important to engage early with parish and town councils so that they had sufficient time to consider the issues and respond.


In response to a query whether residents could be allowed to opt out of paper based communication and receive electronic documents instead it was noted that there was no prescribed way to carry out consultation but it was important that as many people were reached as possible. This would be explored as part of the communications plan.


The chief finance officer advised that details of the settlement for 2021/22 were expected from central government just before Christmas. In the past, additional money had been released after the initial settlement so contingency plans would be in place to deal with this situation. Due to the challenges presented by Covid it might be necessary to present a number of scenarios during the consultation process using the best information at the time but the chief finance officer expected to be able to meet the deadlines set out in the report.


Group leaders and representatives were invited to present the views and queries of their group. There was general recognition that the budget process this year would be particularly difficult given the ongoing impact of the coronavirus epidemic. Cabinet members also noted that:

·        The impact of covid would increase uncertainty around future central government funding and business rate collection;

·        It was likely that some savings would have to be found given the pressures on the budget;

·        It was unlikely that the stakeholder event for businesses and third sector organisations could be repeated this year but the council would explore other ways for interactive engagement;

·        Ward members could assist with consultation with parish and town councils and it might be helpful if key questions to prompt or lead discussion could be circulated, all councillors should be asked to promote the consultation and encourage as many people as possible to respond;

·        The in-year budget was being reviewed and this would identify if planned savings were deliverable bearing in mind the changed circumstances, the quarter 2 budget and performance report was due to be brought to the next cabinet meeting where there would be opportunity to review the projected overspend;

·        It was suggested that communications to each household promote both the budget consultation and the waste consultation, and that such communication also seek to share information about the covid situation;

·        Engagement with the NHS and other healthcare providers was important given the knock on impact of their spending on the council and every opportunity was taken to work with partners.


The chairpersons of the scrutiny committees commented that the timetable seemed appropriate. It was confirmed that the area specific feedback and recommendations from the adult and wellbeing and the children and young people scrutiny committees would feed into the discussion by the general scrutiny committee.



It was agreed that:

(a)   the proposed timetable for the development and adoption of the Medium Term Financial Strategy and the 2021/22 budget be approved;

(b)   an in year review of the capital investment budget be approved; and

(c)   the approach for consulting on budget proposals for 2021/22 be approved.


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