Agenda item


To receive the report and to consider any recommendations to Council arising from the meetings held on 17th and 24th March and 14th and 28th April, 2005.


The Leader of the Council, Councillor R.J. Phillips, presented the report of the meetings of Cabinet held on 17th and 24th March and 14th and 28th April, 2005.


In relation to Item 1.1, the Herefordshire Crime, Disorder and Drug Reduction Strategy – Councillor Phillips  said that the Strategy was now ready and recommended its approval.  In response to a comment about the lack of involvement of young people in the Council's decision making process and lack of accommodation for them to meet safely, Councillor Phillips advised that a Youth Council was being set up, and that although accommodation was an on-going problem, the Council was working with other partner organisations to try to resolve the issue.


In relation to Item 1.2, Review of the Constitution – In response to a query. Councillor J.C. Mayson, confirmed that, as Cabinet Member (Rural Regeneration and Strategy) he would have responsibility for Farmers’ Markets throughout the County including Hereford City.


In relation to Item 2.1, Notices of Motion - Councillor Mrs. J.P. French, Cabinet Member (Human Resources and Corporate Support Services) moved the recommendation, which included an amendment to the original motion.


Councillors Bowen and Mrs. Lloyd Hayes thanked the Cabinet Member for her support.


In relation to Item 6 – Children's Services – although there was no item on the agenda specifically relating to denominational school transport, a number of Councillors had been lobbied on the matter, prior to the Council meeting.  Councillor D.W. Rule, the Cabinet Member (Children's Services) agreed to consider extending the consultation period if, having considered all the facts, he considered it necessary.


In relation to Item 8.1(i) – Leominster Industrial Estate Access Road – In response to a query about empty premises on the Industrial Estate, the Leader said that the Council would be working with Advantage West Midlands (AWM) who were responsible for marketing the site. He acknowledged that it was important for the town and the County for the business park to be a success.  Councillor A.C.R. Chappell, the Chairman of the Social and Economic Development Scrutiny Committee, stated that he intended to invite AWM to appear before the Committee to answer questions and that he would invite all Members to that meeting.  Mention was made of Rotherwas Industrial Estate, which would benefit greatly from having a new access road.


In relation to Item 9.1(i) – Carbon Management Action Plan – The Chairman had previously ruled that Councillor Bowen 's written question relating to carbon management be taken at this point.   The questions were:


"Is the Council making full and proper attempts and measure to become carbon neutral – both for the Council itself and also for the whole of Herefordshire?


Can we be informed as to the energy efficiency of all heating and lighting systems within Council Property?


What efforts are we making to reduce fuel usage and increase energy efficiency in Council properties?"


Councillor Edwards, Cabinet Member (Environment)stated that the Council was making every effort to measure the carbon it produces and that the Council now has a Carbon Management Plan.   The targets for carbon reduction are 12.5% by 2012 and 20% by 2020, and Herefordshire is one of the few Councils who have been pro-active in this area.


All the electricity consumed by the Council comes from renewable sources, which has a significant and positive effect on reducing the Councils impact of the environment.  He said that he did not have the level of detail to answer the question in full but whenever systems are replaced the best available technology is used.  Staff are educated in the efficient use of energy and the Council manages its energy consumption and promotes energy efficiency.  We do all that is reasonably possible to reduce energy consumption. 


In inviting a supplementary question, the Chairman warned that very detailed questions required more time for officers to research the answers.  In response to a question about the Council's energy costs, Councillor Edwards said he would have to research that information and invited Councillor Bowen, as Vice-Chairman of the Environment Scrutiny Committee to assist in the process.


In relation to Item 10.1(iv) – Widemarsh Street – Proposed Experimental Pedestrianisation Scheme – In response to a number of queries from the local Member regarding pedestrian safety, traffic flow and traffic orders, Councillor R.M. Wilson, Cabinet Member (Highways and Transportation) advised that there were three phases to the closure of Widemarsh Street to traffic:  The May Fair; the refurbishment of the High Street at Eign Gate and the experimental Pedestrianisation of Widemarsh Street.  He acknowledged that there would always be difficulties with interim measures.  He assured the local Member that appropriate traffic orders would be in place and advised that new signs prohibiting parking in High Town were to be erected once they had been authorised by the Secretary of State.  He confirmed that taxis would continue to have legal access via Bewell Street.  In response to a question about bus stops he advised that it would be up to the bus companies to decide on both the bus routes and where bus stops should be relocated.  He confirmed that there was no intention to carry out roadworks at the junction of West Street and Broad Street until a decision was made about whether to make the scheme permanent.




That    (a)  the recommended Herefordshire Crime, Disorder and Drug Reduction Strategy be approved;

(b)   Appendices 1, 2 and 3 of the report to Council, dealing with revisions to the Constitution, be approved;

(c)   The County Secretary and Solicitor be authorised to make any necessary textual amendments to the Constitution, including changes arising from the national review of responsibility for the Youth Service;

(d)   Council supports Fairtrade, and serves Fairtrade coffee and tea at its meetings and in offices and canteens’

(e)   Council seeks to attract popular support for the campaign across Herefordshire to ensure that:

·         Fairtrade products are used by a number of local work places and community organisations; and

·         Fairtrade produce is readily available in local shops and serviced in local cafes and catering establishments.

(f)     The local Fairtrade Steering Group be supported; and

(g)  The Council’s procurement Strategy and Code of Practice for the regulation of contracts for works, services and suppliers be revised to reflect the commitment to Fairtrade and that local Herefordshire producers and their products be used where they offer good value for money and their selection is in accordance with the Council’s legal obligations.

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