Agenda item


To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council on 11 October 2019.



The Leader presented his report on the activities of Cabinet since the meeting of Council on 11 October 2019. The Leader provided his thanks to all those who had been involved in the response to the floods and highlighted issues including the strategic planning of new housing development and farming methods which had an impact on flooding in the county.


The Leader received the following questions:


·         Whether the £5.6 million grant to the timber technology centre needed to be underwritten by the council. The Leader explained that the grant would be subject to a further decision but would be provided to the council rather than the LEP. There was no requirement for the council to underwrite the amount and a risk analysis of the arrangement would be completed.

·         What plans were in place to address the increase in rough sleepers in Herefordshire and why was it an issue in the county? The cabinet member housing, regulatory services and community services explained that the homelessness prevention and rough sleeping strategy had been implemented recently and a building in Blackfriars Street had been identified to provide a better level of care in future. There was concern that rough sleepers did not feel listened to and therefore did not seek help; it was hoped that the new facility would address this concern.

·         What action plan was in place to respond to the concerns outlined by Ofsted during the recent inspection? What actions were being taken to address concerns around the recruitment of social workers? The cabinet member children and families explained that the inspection had recognised some improvements including work with children with disabilities and work undertaken on peer on peer abuse policies. Difficulties continued to be recognised around shortages of funding and staff. The action plan to address the issues raised by Ofsted would be circulated. The chief executive explained that clear plans were being taken forward for the recruitment of social workers but it was acknowledged that it was a difficult market place.

·         There needed to be greater policing of road closure signs. The cabinet member infrastructure and transport explained that it was an offence to ignore road closure signs and the council was reporting incidents to the police and had requested extra patrols of those areas subject to road closures.

·         Would extra resources be provided to the drainage team to deal with problems caused by the flooding? It was requested that a briefing note concerning the Bellwin scheme be sent to members. The cabinet member infrastructure and transport explained that the lengthsman schemes would resource parish councils to clear blocked drains. Where drainage issues existed, parish councils were encouraged to report them to the council and it could be investigated whether the work could be supported through the Bellwin scheme. The Leader explained that a briefing to all members on the Bellwin scheme would be provided.

·         Clarification was requested regarding the flooding grant scheme for parish councils. The cabinet member infrastructure and transport explained that a mechanism for the grant funding would be in place shortly.

·         The intention of the new cabinet support member to assist town and parish councils to deliver local assets was queried. Adequate support and funding would be required for town and parish councils to complete community asset transfers. The Leader explained that it was important for local communities to have a role in determining local improvements. Community asset transfers and devolution of services would be a gradual process. The cabinet support, parish shared services and assets, explained that local areas were encouraged to identify projects for local improvements that could be funded through use of reserves or prudential borrowing.

·         If the pause and review concluded that a Western bypass was appropriate how would it be funded? The cabinet member infrastructure and transport explained that if the outcome of the review concluded that a Western bypass was appropriate funding would need to be sought.

·          It was queried how the council would ensure members and land owners were aware of riparian responsibilities for drainage and whether the council would use its powers under the land drainage act to enforce these responsibilities. Better communication between Balfour Beatty Living Places (BBLP) and parish councils was also important. The cabinet member infrastructure and transport explained that BBLP had produced a briefing note to raise awareness among landowners. The Leader explained that it was intended that the issue would be raised at a parish summit and that the proposal to bring the locality stewards back ‘in-house’ should improve communication with town and parish councils. The cabinet member infrastructure and transport explained that communication between BBLP and parish councils needed improvement and it was important that parish councils also communicated with local members and the cabinet member. 

·         Would the council participate in the Defra consultation regarding sustainable farming on flood plains? The Leader explained that farmers needed to be supported, which was a national issue.

·         An update on the flooding response was sought and if the objection to the proposed permanent flood defences would be reconsidered. The Leader explained that the status of the response had moved from the emergency to recovery stage and funding was being sought from the Bellwin scheme. The cabinet member infrastructure explained that road closures were reducing but there were still issues on the Fownhope road where a potential landslip was a significant concern. The objection to the flood defences concerned the proposed glass panels. 


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.


There was an adjournment at 11.53 a.m. the meeting reconvened at 12.05 p.m.

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