Agenda item


Erection of three dwellings and associated works.


The application was approved in accordance with the Case Officer’s recommendation, with an amended condition.


(Erection of three dwellings and associated works.)

The Development Manager gave a presentation on the application, and updates/additional representations received following the publication of the agenda were provided in the update sheet, as appended to these minutes.

In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr Lodge, of Llangarron Parish Council, spoke in support of the scheme.  Mr M Tompkins, the applicant’s agent, and Mrs A Farr, the applicant, spoke in support.

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, the local ward member, Councillor Swinglehurst, spoke on the application.

She made the following principal comments:

·        There had been a high level of objection to the proposal.  However, the Parish Council supported the application and there had also been a number of letters in support of it.  Those in support considered the application to be compliant with policy bringing new life to the village and that the impact of the proposal had been exaggerated.  The applicant had listened and amended the plans in response to views expressed. The site was well located and close to what amenities there were.  The dwellings were well designed.

·        Those objecting considered the proposal would have a negative impact on the settlement and was unacceptable in form, design and location.  It would also have a negative impact on neighbouring properties, in particular the Grade ll listed Box Bush Cottage, a heritage asset, because of the proximity and the height of the new dwellings.  The elevated position of the site meant the floor level of the dwellings would be higher than the cottage’s eaves potentially dominating the dwelling.  There would also be an adverse impact on the wider setting and landscape.

·        The development would add to the cumulative impact on the road network.

·        Drainage was also a concern because of the area’s hilly nature. 

·        The parish had exceeded the minimum housing target.  Objectors considered that the proposal did not meet the requirements of policy RA2.

·        The applicant had sought to include sustainability measures.  However, the lack of public transport meant people would have to travel by car.

·        The landscaping would be an important factor in mitigating the impact of the development.

A member observed that there had been no objections from statutory consultees and the Parish Council supported the application.

Councillor Polly Andrews proposed and Councillor Hunt seconded a motion that the application be approved in accordance with the printed recommendation with an amended condition as set out in the update sheet.  The motion was carried unanimously with 13 votes in favour, none against and no abstentions.

RESOLVED:  That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions and any further conditions considered necessary by officers named in the scheme of delegation to officers:

1.           C01 - Time limit for commencement (full permission)

2.           C06 – Development in accordance with the approved plans ( drawing nos. P1.003 Rev C, P1.10 Rev C, P1.020 Rev A, P1.030, P1.100 Rev C, P1.101 Rev A, P1.102 Rev A, VA002 Rev A, the Sustainability Statement PF 301, 1396 C05 Rev B, the Flood Risk and Drainage Statement – Rev B dated 4 March 2019) and the Preliminary Ecological Appraisal dated March 2018.

3.           C13 - Samples of external materials

4.           C65 - Removal of permitted development rights (Class E)

5.           CK3 - Landscape Scheme

6.           CK4 – Implementation

7.           CAB - Visibility Splays Eastbound - 60m x 2.4m, Westbound 36 x 2.4m

8.           CAD - Access gates

9.           CAE - Vehicular access construction

10.         CAH - Driveway gradient

11.         CAI - Parking – single/shared private drives

12.         CAJ - Parking - Estates

13.         CAT - Construction Management Plan

14.         CB2 - Secure covered cycle parking provision

15.         CBK - Restriction of hours during construction

16.         Prior to the occupation of any of the dwellings hereby approved details of a foul and surface water system incorporating an updated surface water drainage strategy using a safety factor of 2 for the soakaways;  results of infiltration testing undertaken in accordance with BRE365 and confirmation of groundwater levels to demonstrate that the invert level of any soakaways or unlined attenuation features can be located a minimum of 1m above groundwater levels in          accordance with Standing Advice; results of percolation testing undertaken in accordance with BS6297 and calculations to demonstrate the sizing of the drainage fields shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The implementation of the drainage system shall be carried out in accordance with the approved details and maintained thereafter.

              Reason: To prevent pollution of the water environment and to comply with Policy SD3 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.

17.         CCK - Details of slab levels

18.         All foul water shall discharge through connection to new plot specific private foul water   treatment systems with final outfall to suitable soakaway drainage field on land within each plot; and all surface water shall discharge to appropriate soakaway systems; unless otherwise agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority.

              Reason: In order to comply with Conservation of Habitats and Species Regulations (2018), National Planning Policy Framework, NERC Act (2006), and Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy policies LD2, SD3 and SD4.

19.         The ecological protection, mitigation, compensation and working methods scheme including the europaeus land management services shall be implemented and hereafter maintained in full as stated unless otherwise approved in writing by the local planning authority. No external lighting should        illuminate any boundary feature, adjacent habitat or area around the approved mitigation or any biodiversity net gain enhancement features.

              Reason: To ensure that all species are protected and habitats enhanced having regard to the           Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), the Habitats & Species Regulations 2018 (as amended), Policy LD2 of the Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy, National Planning Policy Framework  and NERC Act 2006.

20.         Prior to first occupation evidence (such as photos/signed Ecological Clerk of Works completion statement) of the suitably placed installation within the site boundary of at least three Bat roosting enhancements, three bird nesting boxes and one Hedgehog habitat home should          be supplied to and acknowledged by the local authority; and shall be maintained hereafter as approved unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.

              Reason: To ensure that all species are protected and habitats enhanced having regard to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), Habitat Regulations 2018, Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy Policy LD2, National Planning Policy Framework , NERC Act 2006 and Dark Skies Guidance Defra / NPPF 2013/2019.

21.         CE6 - Efficient use of water


1.           IP2 - Application Approved Following Revisions

2.           I11 - Mud on highway

3.           I09 - Private apparatus within the highway (Compliance with the New  Roads and Streetworks Act 1991, the Traffic Management Act 2004 and the Highways Act 1980)

4.           I45 - Works within the highway (Compliance with the Highways Act 1980 and the Traffic Management Act 2004)

5.           I35 - Highways Design Guide and Specification

6.           I47 - Drainage other than via highway system

7.           I05 - No drainage to discharge to highway

Supporting documents: