Agenda item

Work programme

To consider the committee’s work programme for 2019-20.


The chairperson introduced the item and drew attention to the following:

1.         NHS Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning had agreed to all the committee’s recommendations in relation to the item on ‘The future of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) consultation’ considered at the last meeting (minute 7 refers).

2.         The work programme had been updated for the committee’s consideration and would be further amended to reflect the resolutions of the committee at this meeting.

3.         To manage the number of items on the work programme, it was proposed that an additional meeting be held on Monday 16 December at 9.30am. 

4.         The chairperson suggested that scrutiny briefings be arranged for committee members to explore issues informally with commissioners, providers, support groups and other stakeholders.  In particular, the chairperson was keen to hear service users’ perspectives.  She added that informal briefings would also provide an opportunity to decompress the committee’s work programme.

5.         In view of the need for flexibility in the work programme, it is proposed that the statutory scrutiny officer be authorised to add items to the work programme, as necessary, between meetings.

Mr Stead observed that the ‘One Herefordshire and integration briefing’ received earlier in the meeting was similar to a presentation received by the health and wellbeing board.  The statutory scrutiny officer advised that the committee determined its own work programme and there was a need for both bodies to look at future plans.  He added that the current review of the health and wellbeing board could provide the opportunity to connect the work programmes more coherently.

The chairperson suggested that, in view of concerns expressed by councillors representing the communities affected, the temporary winter closures for the Ross and Leominster Minor Injuries Units (MIUs) needed to be explored in a spotlight review.  This suggestion was supported by committee members, especially to assist in deeper understanding about the reasons why those decisions were made, the information taken into account, and the potential impact on other service providers.  Ms Brooks agreed to provide a presentation on urgent care, in order explain the context of the MIUs and the scale of the change involved.  The director of public health suggested that the item could also explore what could be done differently to prevent people being in an urgent care situation in the first place.  It was agreed that this item be brought to the next appropriate committee meeting.


(a)     the work programme (appendix 1), as amended at the meeting, be endorsed;

(b)     the statutory scrutiny officer be authorised, following consultation with the chairperson and vice-chairperson, to add items to the work programme where it is necessary to ensure their timely consideration where there is no scheduled meeting to approve their inclusion;

(c)     the responses of NHS Herefordshire Clinical Commissioning Group to the committee’s recommendations on ‘The future of the Herefordshire and Worcestershire NHS Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCG) consultation’ (appendix 2) be noted;

(d)     an additional meeting be scheduled on Monday 16 December 2019; and

(e)     urgent care, including the temporary winter closures of the Leominster and Ross-on-Wye Minor Injuries Units, be explored in a spotlight review at the next appropriate meeting.

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