Agenda item

Children's safeguarding and family support performance data

To note the performance in relation to children’s safeguarding and family support for the end of March 2018, together with trend data over the previous 12 months and allow the committee to undertake effective scrutiny of the council’s statutory functions in relation to safeguarding for children in need.



The committee received a report concerning performance in relation to children’s safeguarding and family support for the quarter ending March 2018, together with trend data over the previous 12 months. The committee was asked to note the report and raise any items to include in future version of the report. The ADCSF introduced the report and outlined the achievements that had been accomplished in the last quarter and also some of the challenges contained in the report.


The Chairman welcomed Helen Richardson, Chief Nursing Officer at the CCG to the meeting.


In the committee’s discussion the following principal points were made:


·         A question was asked regarding the distinction between contacts and referrals listed in the appendix to the report. The ADCSF confirmed that contacts were defined as queries received which required signposting or simple responses. Referrals were considered to be issues which required further work to gather more information.

·         It was commented that a high number of referrals from the police resulted in a no further action and a number of these referrals centred on domestic abuse cases. The committee asked for a report to be brought to the September meeting of the committee to look into the issue in greater detail and to include access to comparative data. It was also suggested that the Chair of the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children’s Board be invited to the meeting. The ADCSF commented that in all local authority areas the level of referrals from the police was high.

·         The committee asked whether there was any explanation concerning the decreasing number of child protection cases involving physical and sexual abuse in the appendix. The ADCSF would provide greater detail following the meeting. Action note

·         A question was asked regarding the child protection conferences and whether the April figure for the conferences was unusually high given the backlog produced by the adverse weather during the start of the year. The ADCSF did not have the April figures to hand but would report these back to the committee following the meeting. Action note

·         The committee noted an increase in the number of children on child protection plans. The ADCSF confirmed that this was a significant piece of work for the directorate to assess the thresholds and their correct application. However it was explained that very few children had been on a plan for longer than 2 years which demonstrated their effectiveness.

·         An update on joining the regional adoption agency was requested. The ADCSF explained that the general election in 2017 had delayed the process which had caused some impact on the recruitment.

·         The committee noted the positive work that was being undertaken around placing older children into adoption but was concerned about recording practices on case documents, as identified by the peer review, and the consistency of reports which had been a significant area of concern at the council previously. The DCW explained that performance was not reaching the targets set and this was an objective of the directorate to address this issue. The peer review had found that there was consistent high quality work but that recording needed to be improved. The ADCSF explained that priorities included the need to record the right data and clear case summaries provided on mosaic, the system used at the council. It was confirmed that social workers used mosaic and had mobile devices to facilitate recording. 

·         It was requested that an update report on the recruitment and retention of social workers be added to the work programme. The ADCSF explained that this information could be incorporated into future safeguarding performance reports.

·         The cabinet member confirmed that there were a number of challenges to the children wellbeing directorate presented by the peer review. Work was ongoing to address issues concerning caseloads, thresholds and capacity and support was being put in place to assist the reduction of caseloads. There was awareness that action needed to be taken in response to the peer review however progress was moving in the right direction with the number of children on child protection plans currently reduced down to 180.


Resolved - that a report concerning referrals to the MASH is added to the work programme for the committee in September to include an invitation to Sally Halls to participate in the item and access to comparative data from other local authorities.

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