Agenda item

Travellers’ sites development plan document

To ask the committee to determine whether it wishes to make any recommendations to the executive on the draft pre-submission Travellers’ Sites development plan document (DPD) which would strengthen the emerging policy approach.


The Committee was asked to determine whether it wished to make any recommendations to the executive on the draft pre-submission Travellers’ Sites development plan document (DPD) which would strengthen the emerging policy approach.

The Senior Planning Officer (SPO) presented the report.  She commented on the preparation of the evidence base which informed the assessment of the need for new pitches, proposals for the provision of residential pitches, the proposal to develop a temporary stopping place, noting that the proposed site still required further discussion with Highways England, and the inclusion of an enabling policy to make provision for travelling showpeople.

In the course of discussion the following principal points were made:

·        It was asked whether the proposed provision was sufficient noting that the government’s revised definition of travellers and travelling showpeople on which the assessment of need had been based was the subject of a legal challenge.

·        The SPO commented that it was likely that the legal challenge would take some time to resolve and therefore the council had to seek to progress its policy based on the current government guidance.  If the government issued new guidance in due course the policy may then need to be reviewed.

·        A number of questions were asked about the policy governing the proposed temporary stopping place (TSP) and how this would operate in practice, the importance of communicating policies to the wider public to provide clarity, whether it was a suitable site, noting the proximity to the A49 and the railway line, and whether one such site was going to be sufficient.

·        In response the Senior Planning Officer and the Licensing, travellers and technical support service manager (LTTSSM) and the Programme director housing and growth commented:

·        There was no proposed general policy in relation to the provision of temporary stopping places because it was considered that the proposed site would meet the need identified in the Gypsy and Traveller Accommodation Assessment.

·        The TSP would be managed in accordance with recognised good practice.  There were established legal procedures to manage the length of stay.

·        Those using the site would have to abide by conditions governing occupancy.

·        Experience of other local authorities suggested that bringing in sanitation and waste disposal facilities as and when required was preferable to making permanent provision on a TSP.

·        There would be occasions when the number of unauthorised encampments exceeded the space available on the TSP.  However, it was important to recognise the benefits the TSP would provide, noting that West Mercia Police strongly advocated the provision of such a site and the environmental health service supported it. It would allow the authority to provide basic sanitary facilities and have arrangements in place with regard to access to health services and education when required.

·        Management arrangements should ensure clear communication between agencies including the police to ensure, for example, that travellers were not directed to the TSP from another part of the county when it was already full.

·        It was questioned whether the assessment of the extent to which need could be addressed through turnover of occupants on council sites was reasonable and could be relied upon.  The SPO commented that this was the Consultants’ view and it would be kept under review.

·        The SPO confirmed that no sites had been identified for travelling showpeople in response to the call for sites.  Discussions with the Showmans Guild were continuing.  An enabling policy was proposed to encourage sites to come forward.

·        It was suggested that there were areas of private land that might be more suitable for sites than council owned land.  It was asked whether there was scope for the council to use compulsory purchase powers.

·        The SPO commented that there had been there calls for sites but very little private land had been put forward for consideration in response.  It was acknowledged that the identification of sites was a challenging process and the Homes and Community Agency encouraged local authorities to look at their own landholdings to meet the accommodation requirement.

·        Support was expressed for the policy of organic growth of existing sites on the basis that these were already embedded within the local community.

·        The local ward member for Bromyard Bringsty referred to a statement he had obtained from the police and fire service about Openfields Caravan Site, Bromyard to which it was proposed to add two pitches .  This outlined a number of concerns about the site’s operation. However, they did not object to the proposal.

·        The LTTSSM commented that whilst there had been some incidents arrangements were in place to manage the site effectively. An issue about access to the site caused by parked vehicles had been resolved.

·        Provisions for when a review of the policy should be undertaken should be clarified.

·        Clarification was sought on the scope to improve co-operation with other authorities noting as referred to at paragraphs 2.10-2.11 of the presubmission document (appendix 1)that no opportunity for shared traveller accommodation provision had to date been identified.

·        The SPO commented that discussions with neighbouring authorities had taken place and would continue to do so.  However, one of the complications was that authorities were at different stages in developing their plans and Monmouthshire, for example, fell within the remit of the Welsh Assembly.  There was also a TSP in the area of Forest of Dean District Council near the M50 but the council could not rely on accommodation being available and consequently had identified its own provision.

·        The cabinet member – infrastructure commented that he considered the provision of residential pitches to be relatively satisfactorily addressed and that provision for travelling showpeople would be resolved.  The most pressing need was to address the issues caused by unauthorised encampments and the TSP was intended to do so.


That      (a)     the executive be recommended to consider whether an additional temporary stopping place should be identified;

              (b)     co-operative working with neighbouring authorities should be pursued;

              (c)     clarity be provided on how the TSP would operate in practice, including protocols for the allocation of places on the site including the management of different families, so that there is a clear public understanding;

              (d)     consideration be given to specifying when a review of the policy should be conducted;

              (e)     dialogue continue with the Showmans’ Guild to identify an appropriate site to meet their needs;

              (f)      the scope to acquire land for sites by Compulsory purchase order to increase the options and select sites in the most suitable locations be explored;

              (g)     site allocation policy on residential sites should be clear;

              (h)     officers be requested to ensure that existing sites are appropriately managed and maintained and that appropriate resources are in place for both capital improvements and maintenance.

(The meeting adjourned between11.50 am and 11.55 am)

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