Agenda item


To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council in March 2017, on progress made in the previous year towards achieving the council’s priorities and priorities for the coming year.


The Leader presented his report on the activities of Cabinet since the meeting of Council on 3 March 2017. Questions were invited to the Leader which included those issues raised below:


·         The corporate parenting strategy was welcomed. The training provided to members regarding responsibility as corporate parents needed to be more effective than the online training previously provided. The nature of the training would be discussed with officers.

·         Following Ofsted reports which highlighted the lack of supervision and support for front line staff would the training programme of adult social workers ensure consistent reporting and savings through more cost-effective work practices? All work practice initiatives were aimed at ensuring more cost-effective arrangements and a significant recent improvement had seen an increase in the level permanent social workers compared to agency staff.

·         To support tourism and economic development in the county it was felt that the number of electric charging points for cars should be increased. Requiring all new homes to incorporate a charging point would contribute towards the council carbon management plan. The projected increase in electric cars would necessitate a review of parking strategies and facilities for charging would be included in future policies of the council.

·         An issue regarding potential structural damage to ex-council houses was raised. It was understood that in some cases cladding had encased structural damage and prevented remedial repair. Problems securing home insurance had been experienced by some residents living in these houses. The council no longer had social housing; the transfer to housing associations took place in 2002. A written reply would be provided to the issue raised.     

·         The publication of six neighbourhood plans in the county since June ensured that those local parish councils were in a stronger legal and policy position to exercise control over development.

·         Following the launch of the economic vision at Eastnor Castle the leader was questioned on what measures were in place to address the different opportunities for economic development in the market towns and the west of the county. For the development of the county it was essential that the city attracted investment. The intention was for development and growth to be spread from the city to the market towns. To this end policies were being explored with the new university requiring students to locate and develop businesses in the market towns.

·         The external auditors had raised a concern regarding valuations on the council’s properties and it was questioned whether this related to the small holding estate. Valuations were subject to variance depending on methodology and current circumstances. Generally the bids that had been received were in excess of the valuations undertaken.

·         The importance to economic development of tourism required acknowledgment in the annual performance report 2016/17 and assurance was sought that littering and fly-tipping would be addressed as part of initiatives to create vibrant town centres. Work was ongoing to address littering including the introduction of gull-proof hessian refuse sacks to fast food restaurants and encouraging local cafes to reduce the size of disposable cups.It was explained that a funding bid had been made to access funds through the European Structural Infrastructure Fund for projects to extend the tourism season between October to March.

·         The level of support provided to carers was queried and if the council could do more. The role of a carers champion was raised. It was confirmed that cabinet would be considering a carers strategy at its meeting on 20 July. 


RESOLVED:  That the report is noted.


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