Agenda item

Corporate Delivery Plan 2017-18

To agree the activities and measures within the 2017/18 corporate delivery plan.


The cabinet member for economy and corporate services presented the report.   He noted that the corporate delivery plan was aligned to the corporate plan.   He further noted that the plan would be revised over the year to reflect any changes in priorities so that resources could be re-directed as appropriate.    Cabinet would be presented with regular reports on performance against delivery of the key activity and achievement of the measures and there would be an annual report at June cabinet.  


The directorate services team leader outlined the key projects which would take place over the forthcoming year.    


The cabinet member for financial management and ICT queried whether the accommodation objective on page 95 would be delivered on budget.   The cabinet member for contracts and assets confirmed that the works on Nelson House and Elgar House had been delivered under budget.   However, it was anticipated that work on Blue School House would overspend.    Officers were currently reviewing the specification for this piece of work to identify savings.    However, it was anticipated that the budget shortfall on this project would be found from within the overall accommodation strategy.  


The cabinet member for young people and children’s wellbeing proposed an amendment to box 5 and 6 under the keep children and young people safe and give them a great start in life section to include the words “particularly those with disabilities.    It was agreed to amend this section to read “Increase the number of young people and families, particularly those with disabilities,  accessing the local offer information and finding it useful”.


A group leader commented it was an ambitious plan.  He noted that estimated number of 8,620 children and young people  that require support with mental health or emotional resilience appeared high.   The interim director for children’s wellbeing stated this was a significant number and that it reflects the national trend of identification.   This was a priority in the children and young people’s plan and a working group was delivering activities to improve the understanding of and support for mental health and emotional wellbeing.  The Ofsted inspection last year had also covered aspects of mental health.   The CAMHS service had been mentioned as a positive and exemplary example in terms of its initial response to a referral.    The current health and social care overview and scrutiny task and finish group’s report in connection with children and young people’s mental health would also provide further insight into this area.  


A group leader queried the progress in connect with the fire damaged building in High Town.   The cabinet member for contracts and assets confirmed that there had been infrastructure issues with the site but these were being addressed and there would be movement once these issues had been resolved.


A group leader commented that the target on page 87 of 19.6 (maintain, and seek to improve still further, the quality of life for people with care and support needs) did not make sense.   The director for adults and wellbeing explained that this was a national indicator  and was a statistical number derived from the annual national adults survey.   The response rate for Herefordshire was the highest in the country and that the county had the 5th best score in the country and was 2nd when compared with our statistical neighbours.  


The chair of general overview and scrutiny commented that the issues faced by traveller children  and ensuring that they lived in suitable accommodation should not be overlooked and that the committee would be looking at these issues.


A group leader asked for an update in connection with Model Farm, Ross on Wye.   The Leader confirmed that this had been part of a bid by the local enterprise partnership (LEP).   The director for economy, communities and corporate was also looking at other alternatives.   


The cabinet member for young people and children’s wellbeing stated that the work in connection with school improvement had been nationally recognised as good.   The council was now in the second quartile of education measures.  


Resolved that


The draft corporate delivery plan 2017/18 be approved.

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