Agenda item


Proposed outline planning application (all matters reserved except access) for the development of up to 50 residential dwellings with associated access.


The application was approved in accordance with the Case Officer’s recommendation.


(Proposed outline planning application (all matters reserved except access) for the development of up to 50 residential dwellings with associated access.)

The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application.

In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr S Kerry, Clerk to Hereford City Council, spoke in opposition to the Scheme.  Mrs M Stevens, a local resident, spoke in objection.  Mrs E Warren, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support.

In accordance with the Council’s Constitution, the local ward member, Councillor PE Crockett, spoke on the application.

She made the following principal comments:

·        Burghill Parish Council, Hereford City Council and a number of local residents had objected to the application.

·        The site was open pasture – a greenfield site in a rural area.

·        Concerns raised in letters of objection included noise, light and traffic pollution.

·        The site was not identified for development in the Burghill Neighbourhood Development Plan (NDP).

·        There were concerns about water supply, sewerage and waste management.

·        The impact on local amenity was significant.

·        As noted in the objection of Hereford City Council the cumulative impact of developing the site was more than the area could reasonable bear.

·        The existing GP surgery had no capacity and could not expand on its existing site. More infrastructure was required.

·        She could not support the application given the major issues identified.

In the Committee’s discussion of the application the following principal points were made:

·        The land was not particularly valuable for agriculture.

·        The access was satisfactory.

·        There were some concerns as to whether Welsh Water would be able to provide the necessary infrastructure.  However, it was asserted that the development would not proceed if concerns about the water supply and sewerage could not be addressed.

·        A number of concerns were expressed relating to the detail, including the suggestion that there was a culvert crossing the site and a public footpath, the location of the children’s play area in the corner of the site, the transportation manager’s comments on footways round the junction of Tillington Road and Roman Road; and arrangements for pedestrians to cross Roman Road.  A request was made that consideration be given to an attenuation scheme rather than the SUDS being proposed, with provision of a wildlife zone.  Consideration of a wet system was also suggested.  It was also requested that the play area should be provided with outdoor gym equipment.

·        Several Members thought that a development of fewer houses than the “up to 50” proposed would be preferable.  A Member proposed a limit of 40. In response the Lead Development Manager commented that the final size of the development would be determined by the detailed layout and other requirements.  The proposed density was within the range specified in the Core Strategy.  The Committee had to determine the application before it.

·        The development was sustainable.

·        A large development was already proposed on the opposite side of the Roman Road. There had to be concern about traffic levels including HGVs.  The junction of Tillington Road and Roman Road would become a blackspot.

·        It was suggested that there may also be archaeological issues to address.

·        The need to provide a new GP surgery was a further example of the absence of infrastructure required to support the development.

·        The development would mean the loss of a valuable green space distinguishing Burghill Parish from the City.  The Roman Road had traditionally been viewed as a boundary to the City’s expansion.

·        The significant housing development proposals in the area represented over development.

·        The proposed mitigation of landscaping and tree planting would not be sufficient to address the increased traffic that would be generated.

·        A concern was expressed about the weight the assessment of the site in the report gave to the fact that the site was well-related to Hereford City and the implications this might have for development in all areas adjoining the City.  The Principal Planning Officer commented in response that the recent adoption of the interim position statement in relation to policy SS3 stated a clear preference for Strategic Housing Land Availability Assessment minor constraints sites such as the application site.

·        The NDP might have achieved Regulation 16 status by the time that the reserved matters application was made.

The Transportation Manager confirmed that there had been no accidents recorded at the Tillington Road/Roman Road junction.  There had been 3 recorded accidents on the sliproad to the A4110 and 1 at the junction with Hospital Farm which was not relevant to the application.

Officers confirmed that the housing land supply figure was 4. 43 years.  The Burghill NDP had been returned to the Parish Council because it did not comply with policy RA2.  The Core Strategy provided for Burghill Parish to provide a minimum of 126 dwellings.  Completed and committed sites currently provided 47 dwellings.

The Lead Development Manager commented that the Hereford Area Plan would address issues relating to housing provision in the City.  He had attended a recent meeting with Welsh Water where it had been confirmed that the required investment for the City had been authorised and would be delivered by 2020. He also confirmed that there was no register of brownfield land in the City.  

The following further points were then made:

·        A member expressed consternation that there was no register of brownfield land when the Core Strategy prioritised development of such land. 

·        The application site did not form part of the Hereford Area Plan.

·        The strategic housing site opposite the application site to the south of the Roman Road should be given priority.

·        The development added to a number of proposals that were premature given the pressure on the existing infrastructure

The local ward member was given the opportunity to close the debate.  She reiterated her opposition to the proposal.


RESOLVED:  That subject to the completion of a Section 106 Town & Country Planning Act 1990 obligation agreement in accordance with the Heads of Terms stated in the report, and as appended, officers named in the Scheme of Delegation to Officers are authorised to grant outline planning permission, subject to the conditions below and any further conditions considered necessary by officers.


1.         A02 Time limit for submission of reserved matters (outline permission)


2.         A03 Time limit for commencement (outline permission)


3.         A04  Approval of reserved matters


4.         H06  Vehicular access construction


5.         H17  Junction improvement/off site works


6.         H21  Wheel washing


7.         No development shall commence or site huts, machinery or materials brought onto the site, until a Construction Management Plan (CMP) has been submitted to and approved in writing by the Local Planning Authority.  The plan shall include the following details:


a.         Wheel cleaning apparatus which shall be operated and maintained during construction of the development hereby approved.

b.         Parking for site operatives and visitors which shall be retained and kept available during construction of the development.

c.         A noise management plan including a scheme for the monitoring of construction noise.

d.         Details of working hours and hours for deliveries

e.         A scheme for the control of dust arising from building and site works

f.          A scheme for the management of all waste arising from the site


            The agreed details of the CMP shall be implemented throughout the construction period.


            Reason: In the interests of the residential amenity of properties within the locality and of highway safety in accordance with Policies SD1 and MT1 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework. 


8.         H29  Secure covered cycle parking provision


9.         H30  Travel Plans


10.       E01  Site investigation – archaeology


11.       G04  Protection of trees/hedgerows that are to be retained


12.       None of the dwellings hereby approved shall be occupied before 31st March 2020, unless the upgrading of the public water supply system, into which the development shall connect has been completed and written confirmation of this has been issued to the Local Planning Authority


            Reason: To ensure satisfactory mains water supply is available to properties at all times. Our response is based on the information provided by your application. Should the proposal alter during the course of the application process we kindly request that we are re-consulted and reserve the right to make new representation.



13.       Only foul water from the development site shall be allowed discharge to the public sewerage system and this discharge shall be made at or downstream of manhole reference number SO48428301 as indicated on the extract of the Sewerage Network Plan attached to this decision notice.


            Reason: To prevent hydraulic overloading of the public sewerage system, to protect the health and safety of existing residents and ensure no pollution of or detriment to the environment so as to comply with Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy Policies SD1, SD3 and SD4.


14.       No development shall commence until a drainage scheme for the site has been submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. The scheme shall provide for the disposal of foul, surface and land water, and include an assessment of the potential to dispose of surface and land water by sustainable means. Thereafter the scheme shall be implemented in accordance with the approved details prior to the occupation of the development and no further foul water, surface water and land drainage shall be allowed to connect directly or indirectly with the public sewerage system.


            Reason: To prevent hydraulic overloading of the public sewerage system, to protect the health and safety of existing residents and ensure no pollution of or detriment to the environment so as to comply with Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy Policies SD1, SD3 and SD4.


15.       No development shall commence on site, or materials or machinery brought to the site for the purposes of development until the work method statements as outlined in the Ecology Report (Urban Green – October 2015) have been implemented on site. The protection measures shall be maintained in good condition in situ on site until the completion of all works and the removal of materials and machinery at the end of development, at which time they must be removed from site and any disturbance made good.


            Reason: The proper consideration of potential impacts on protected species and biodiversity assets is a necessary initial requirement before any groundworks are undertaken so as to ensure that the nature conservation interest of the site is protected. So as to comply with Policy LD2 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


16.       No new development shall commence on site until, based on the recommendations in the ecology report a detailed habitat & biodiversity enhancement scheme, including but not limited to type and location of bat roosting and bird nesting mitigation/enhancements, a lighting plan. This should be included in, or related to, a detailed landscape & planting proposal with an associated 5 year establishment and replacement plan. And be submitted to, and approved in writing by, the local planning authority. The mitigation/enhancement scheme and landscaping plan shall be implemented as approved.


            Reason: To ensure that all species are protected having regard to the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981 (as amended), the Conservation (Natural Habitats, &c) Regulations 1994 (as amended) and Policy LD2 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


17.       I51  Details of slab levels


18.       I16  Restriction of hours during construction


19.       I01  Scheme of noise attenuating measures


20.       The development hereby approved shall be for no more than 50 dwellings


            Reason: To define the terms of the permission and to comply with Policy SD1 of the Herefordshire Local Plan – Core Strategy and the National Planning Policy Framework.


21.       The development shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the approved plans contained in the following schedule except where otherwise stipulated by conditions attached to this permission:


            Plan Description                    Drawing number       

            Location Plan            EVW/102

            Site Access Plan                   CBO-0335-001


22.       G19  Details of play equipment




1.         The Local Planning Authority has acted positively and proactively in determining this application by assessing the proposal against planning policy and any other material considerations.  Negotiations in respect of matters of concern with the application have resulted in amendments to the proposal.  As a result, the Local Planning Authority has been able to grant planning permission for an acceptable proposal, in accordance with the presumption in favour of sustainable development, as set out in the National Planning Policy Framework.


2.         HN01 Mud on highway


3.         HN02 Public rights of way


4.         HN04 Private apparatus within highway


5.         HN05 Works within the highway


6.         HN07 Section 278 Agreement


7.         HN10 No drainage to discharge to highway


8.         HN25 Travel Plans


9.         N02 Section 106 obligation


(The meeting adjourned between 11.10 and 11.20 am.)

Supporting documents: