Agenda item


To update Schools forum on the interim proposals from the Task and Finish Groups and to refer them to the Budget Working Group and the Education Strategic Board for comments in accordance with the terms of reference.


The Forum received an update on the interim proposals from the Task and Finish Groups (TFGs) it had appointed to consider four broad service areas and was invited to refer them to the Budget Working Group (BWG) and the Education Strategic Board for comments in accordance with the groups’ terms of reference. 

High Needs

Mrs Catlow-Hawkins, co-chair of the high needs TFG, provided an update.  She reminded the Forum that the TFG had already made a detailed report early in the year proposing significant savings on the 2016/17 high needs budget.  A further report was scheduled to be made to the Forum in December.


The Assistant Director (AD) – Commissioning and Education commented that the Herefordshire Capital Investment Strategy sought to pool the small amount of capital funding available and make use of resources from other sources.  Schools would shortly receive a letter on progress overall.  In relation to special needs provision some capital works had been carried out.  The council was working with headteachers to consider further provision having regard to the number of places that would be required and the implications that had for capital expenditure.


The AD commented that since the establishment of the TFG there had been a number of changes to government funding e.g.: the proposed reduction in Education Services Grant.  The intention was to move forward with schools through a school improvement partnership.  As part of this process it would be necessary to be clear as to what support schools would value so that available resources could be targeted and schools could be clear about what they would buy that would add value.  He considered that there was scope to be more proactive in seeking to address emerging issues in the County.

Early Years

Mrs J Rees co-chair of the Early Years TFG presented the report.   She highlighted the proposals set out at page 51 of the agenda papers including proposals for spending the £890k early years underspend.  She emphasised that it was important that the proposals for the use of the underspend were sustainable in the longer term.  She envisaged it taking 2-3 years to embed the proposed programme and it would then be a case of the early years providers and schools working together to sustain it.  This did entail challenges and the potential for redundancy costs was one thing that needed to be considered.

An early years representative commented that the current funding for early years did not meet the cost of provision.  She also questioned the validity of setting funding rates by comparing rates with neighbouring authorities.

Next Steps

It was proposed that following consideration of the TFG proposals by the BWG and the Education Strategic Board that a further report should be made to the Forum.  There was agreement that consultation should also take place with school governing bodies.


That      (a)     proposals be referred to the Budget Working Group and the Education Strategic Board with a further report to the Forum in March 2017; and

              (b)     final proposals should be subject to a final consultation with school governing bodies in March/April 2017 prior to approval by Schools forum in summer 2017.

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