Agenda item

Economic Master plan

To seek the committee’s views on the draft Economic Master Plan for the period 2017-2031 and consider whether to make any recommendations to inform cabinet’s consideration of the master plan.



The Committee’s views were sought on the draft Economic Master Plan for 2017-2031 and it was invited to consider whether to make any recommendations to inform cabinet’s consideration of the plan.


The cabinet member – economy and corporate services introduced the report.  He commented that the draft plan represented the start of a conversation.  The projects within it would be regularly refreshed.  He sought ongoing engagement and intended to submit further reports to the Committee.


The economic development manager gave a presentation.  The presentation slides had been circulated with the agenda papers.


The following is a summary of the principal points identified for consideration:


·        The plan should strive to address the major constraints that were inhibiting plans for growth and seek to make the county more marketable, mindful of what it was within the council’s own powers to influence and effect.

·        It was important to be clear who the audience for the document was.

·        It was suggested the document should include a section on the history and geography of the county, and why the county was a good place to live and work, and set out the opportunities and attractions for people who were thinking of moving to the county, set out the objectives and ambitions so that people could judge whether they wished to be associated with them.

·        Clear timelines were needed.  It was suggested that the plan should be in chunks recognising that changes would inevitably take place over the life of the plan and ensuring that it remained adaptable.

·        Pitch documents were a good idea, possibly split into geographical or industry sectors and so targeting potential investors.

·        The case studies provided were helpful.

·        Account should be taken of the links with planning policy and the need to identify where policy could be improved.

·        The importance of tourism to the County’s growth and sustainability needed to be recognised.  Maintaining the county’s roads was important to the tourist industry.

·        Promoting the County as a setting for film and tv locations would be advantageous.

·        The possibility of businesses using underused council property should be explored.

·        The Church Commissioners should be approached about scope for public use of their property

·        Communication and marketing were key.

·        The Plan needed to consider the needs of the whole County.  At the moment it was dominated by projects within the city.

·        Regard should be had to the horticultural sector within the county.

·        The tensions between preserving the county and growth and development needed to be recognised.

·        There should be a focus on celebrating what was unique in the county and protecting that.  An audit of the county’s strengths had been proposed at the Committee’s meeting in July but nothing appeared to have happened as a result.

·        The photograph on the front cover should be replaced with a more distinctive image relating to the county.

·        An implementation plan was needed.

·        Having identified needs in the county there could be an opportunity to explore ways of meeting these needs, adopting a market led approach.

·        Consideration should be given to seeking a view from external consultants on the plan.

·        Clarification should be provided on the consultation process.  In addition, including a section on those who had been consulted on the plan’s development would lend it credibility.

·        There seemed to be no reference to the small and medium enterprises that formed the majority of the county’s businesses.

·        The wording in relation to Cargills (p120 of the agenda papers) and to phosphate pollution (p59) needed to be revisited.

·        It was questioned whether the proposals for the river quarter took account of the National Planning Policy Framework and the core strategy.

·        The leader commented that the plan was essential to the county’s financial security and it would be important to ensure the implementation of the approved plan.

The cabinet member – economy and corporate services commented that the intention was that the plan would be a marketing tool and people would not have to read the document as a whole but could turn to relevant sections.  He outlined a number of actions being undertaken and invited members to help bring forward projects from the market towns and elsewhere of which they were aware.


The economic development manager thanked the committee for its comments.


RESOLVED:  That the Cabinet Member be recommended to have regard to the points raised by the Committee in discussion and in particular the summary of the principal points set out above.

Supporting documents: