Agenda item


To consider whether to make any recommendations to inform cabinet’s consideration of the communication protocol for members which forms part of the communication strategy.


The Committee considered whether to make any recommendations to inform cabinet’s consideration of the communication protocol for members.


The protocol formed part of the communication strategy which had been considered by the Committee on 26 July and was the subject of a further report at the Committee’s request.


The cabinet member – economy and corporate services presented the report.  He commented that the protocols had been in place since 2010 and it was not intended that they should place restrictions upon members but that they should offer support.


In the course of discussion the following principal points were made:


·        The Director – economy, communities and corporate read out a statement seeking to address the concern that greater clarity was required as to what was meant when a communication was issued or statement made purporting to be by “the council”.  This stated that it depended on the context and the role of the member. The revised protocol set out at paragraph 3.1 a range of different roles and the context in which members may speak ‘on behalf of the council’. In essence if a member had a formal role relative to the issue in question, they could speak on behalf of the Council otherwise they were speaking as an individual.  It was analogous to the position in Westminster where a cabinet member may speak on behalf of the government, the opposition had spokespersons who made the opposition response, select committee chairs spoke on matters their committee have looked at, and backbenchers (regardless of their political persuasion) spoke as individuals on general issues or as constituency members when it was a matter relating to their constituency.

Having considered this statement, it was considered that further clarification was still required.

·        In relation to Councillors use of social media the communications manager stated that there would be briefings for councillors and staff.

·        It was suggested that there was a need for further clarification on the following points:  the role of local ward members, the application and operation of paragraph 4.2, and paragraph 4.5 and that an additional paragraph should be added providing guidance as to how members should approach communications as a council appointee to an outside body.

RESOLVED:   That cabinet be recommended that further consideration be given to the following matters in relation to the communication protocol for members:


·        In relation to paragraph 3.1 of the protocol further clarification was needed on when it was appropriate to use the word “Council” in communications when referring to such matters as Council policy and when further distinction was needed between a decision taken at full Council and a decision taken by an individual cabinet member or an officer.

·        Paragraph 3.4 needed further clarification, in particular regarding the role of local ward members.

·        Paragraph 4.2 –greater clarity was needed on the application and operation of this paragraph.

·        Paragraph 4.5 also required consideration and clarification.

·       An additional paragraph should be added providing guidance on how members should approach communications as a council appointee to an outside body.

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