Agenda item


To consider notices on motion. Please be aware that that under section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public could be excluded from the meeting for motion one of the item of business on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in Schedule 12(A) of the Act, as indicated below and it is considered that the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighs the public interest in disclosing the information.


1     Information relating to any individual.


2     Information which is likely to reveal the identity of an individual.


The Chairman reported that two motions had been submitted for consideration by Council.


The Chairman advised that it was for Council to decide whether, under section 100(A)(4) of the Local Government Act 1972, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting for the discussion on the first motion on the grounds that it involved the disclosure of exempt information relating to an individual as defined in schedule 12(A) of the act. He added that, in light of the subject matter, Council may choose not to exclude the public but the monitoring officer was obliged to ask Council to consider this.


Councillor CA Gandy moved that Council agree that this motion be debated in public, seconded by Councillor DW Greenow. This was carried, with two abstentions.


Motion 1: To admit Sasha Kindred OBE to be honorary freeman of the county of Herefordshire


In presenting the motion, the Chairman asked that references inferring that Sascha Kindred might retire from competition be deleted from the preamble to the motion.


In response to a question about the award, the Chairman said that the ability to confer honorary titles was set down in statute. The monitoring officer confirmed that the power under section 249 of the Local Government Act 1972, subsection 5, enabled the council to admit (a) persons of distinction and (b) persons who have, in the opinion of the authority, rendered eminent services to that place or area to be honorary freemen or honorary freewomen of the place or area for which it is the authority.


The Chairman noted that it was unusual for a council chairman to propose a motion but, in view of the special circumstances and for the first time during the life of this council, he proposed that Council make Sascha Kindred an honorary freeman of the county and made the following points:


1.         In September 2016, in the Paralympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, Sascha Kindred of Herefordshire had won a gold medal for the 200m men’s individual medley in swimming and broke the world record in doing so.


2.         This was the seventh gold medal that Sascha had won since competing in his first Paralympic Games in 1996 in Atlanta.


3.         Twenty years later, he had a marvellous record of achievement, winning a total of 62 major championship medals, including 7 golds at Paralympic Games, 11 golds at World Championships, and 14 golds at European Championships.


4.         In the Queen’s New Year Honours list of 2009, he had been awarded the Order of the Most Excellent Order of the British Empire for his sporting achievements.


5.         Four years ago, the former Council Chairman, the late Councillor Olywn Barnett, had presented a certificate of congratulations to Sascha and other medal winners of the 2012 Paralympic Games at a welcome home celebration.


6.         In the 2016 Paralympic Games, Sascha was the only Herefordshire resident Paralympian winner. The Chairman also paid tribute to Vicky Jenkins from Malvern who trained at Bromyard and had won a medal in archery.


7.         Sascha’s career started some 25 years ago in Oldham, Manchester, with his international debut three years later. He moved to Credenhill in 2006 and subsequently Belmont in 2010. He was married to Nyree, a Paralympian medal winner in swimming in her own right, and they had a daughter.


8.         Since coming to Herefordshire, Sascha had carried out his main training at Leominster swimming pool whilst being a member of Hereford swimming club, making it a cross-county issue.


The Chairman concluded by saying that, to make anyone an honorary freeman or free woman of the county, Council had to be satisfied that he or she was a person of distinction and they had rendered eminent service to the area, and he considered that Sascha met those requirements. The Chairman formally proposed the motion, seconded by the Vice-Chairman.


As seconder to the motion, the Vice-Chairman said he wished to comment on Sascha as a person and, referring to his involvement in swimming events in Leominster, his ability to connect with young people and inspire them to take up swimming. The Vice-Chairman commended Sasha for staying in training for so many years, for achieving the recent world record, and for representing Herefordshire on the world stage.


Other councillors spoke in support of the motion, the following principal points were made:


a.         Comments were made about the contribution made by Sascha and his family to the community in the Newton Farm ward.


b.         Sasha provided encouragement to many young people, not only in swimming but across the board.


c.         The council should be proud that it had a facility such as Leominster swimming pool and credit should go to the council’s leisure services partner, Halo, for supporting Sascha.


d.         There were many deserving individuals in the county who rendered eminent service, and had gained national and international recognition, and the council needed to be mindful of the need to preserve the awarding of honorary titles to recognise extraordinary achievement.


e.         Sasha was an inspiration for many people with disabilities.


The motion was carried, with one abstention.




In recognition of the outstanding contribution that Sascha Kindred has made to swimming in general and to the Paralympic Games in particular, and in recognising the major successes, medals and world records that he has achieved, especially in the 2016 Paralympic Games by winning a gold medal and breaking the world record for the men's 200 metre swimming medley, this Council wishes to afford him the greatest honour it has in its power to bestow on any individual resident, namely admit Sascha Kindred to be honorary Freeman of the County of Herefordshire. His achievements in Paralympic, world, European and other championships over the past two decades have attracted national and international acclaim, bringing honour and credit on him, his family and connections including the county where he lives to which he has rendered eminent service.


The Chairman advised that a special meeting would be arranged to confer the honorary freeman title on Sascha Kindred, possibly on the same day as the next scheduled Council meeting, 16 December 2016.


Motion 2: Supplementary planning document (SPD) relating to polytunnels.


In presenting the motion, Councillor EJ Swinglehurst made the following points:


·                Herefordshire had been in the lead in creating a set of advisories through the SPD on polytunnels which had been adopted in 2008 after due consultation and sustainability appraisal.


·                The introduction to the original document was quoted ‘… Herefordshire Council has prepared this supplementary planning document (SPD) to help potential applicants prepare their planning applications. It will also provide useful information to officers of the council and other interested parties, local residents for example, on how the council expects the many issues to be addressed within planning applications.’


·                The adoption of the Core Strategy in 2015 led to a number of existing policies being either replaced, saved or set aside. The SPD on polytunnels was set aside.


·                It was described as a compelling and detailed document, and represented a tremendous amount of effort in terms of officer time and expertise.


·                The SPD was considered to be of assistance to applicants and residents alike in understanding the issues that arise.


·                The reinstatement of the policy compliant elements of the document would assist the planning committee in determining applications and contribute to the sustainable future for this type of farming in the county.


Councillor Swinglehurst formally proposed the motion, seconded by Councillor BA Durkin.


Other councillors spoke in support of the motion, the following principal points were made:


o      There were reflections on the difficulties and frustrations experienced prior to the original adoption of the SPD and how the council had been at the forefront in addressing the issues.


o      The council should look again at whether it had adequate policies in other areas, particularly in relation to intensive livestock production, with reference made to the implications for nutrient management. It was also suggested that similar consideration could be given to a SPD in relation to housing for older people.


o      Unless it had been covered by other provisions, some members considered it unfortunate that the SPD on polytunnels had not formed part of the Core Strategy documents.


o      There was a need to keep the SPD sufficiently up to date and be reviewed in light of the ancillary requirements of polytunnels, such as the provision of facilities on farms and accommodation for temporary seasonal workers, and the impacts on specific areas such as Areas of Outstanding Natural Beauty (AONB). It was also commented that officers should work with councils in other parts of the country to understand and manage the totality of the infrastructure associated with this type of farming.


o      There was a difficult balance between supporting new farming practices and protecting the landscape.


o      A comment was made about the contribution of horticulture to the economy of the county compared to other types of farming.


o      In response to a question, the monitoring officer advised that it was her understanding that the document, as an SPD, would not form part of the Core Strategy and that the whole strategy would not therefore have to go out to consultation again.


Councillor PJ Edwards moved that the question be now put, seconded by Councillor J Hardwick. This was carried.


As seconder to the motion commented that: the Tuesley Farm case in Surrey had been a turning point in terms of the planning status of polytunnels; Herefordshire Council had been at the vanguard in the development of policy in this area; the SPD would assist in the determination of planning applications; and there was a need to review the document to ensure that new farming practices were considered and the environment protected.


The motion was carried unanimously.




That Herefordshire Council ask the Executive to consider reinstating the SPD on polytunnels working with officers to ensure that the policy is still fit for purpose, up to date and policy compliant.

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