Agenda item


To consider Notices of Motion.


Notice of motion 1 – national planning policy framework


Councillor BA Baker proposed the motion and made the following principal points:


·         The Herefordshire Local Plan Core Strategy (HLPCS) laid out in detail how the county would develop, up to 2031 and included planned domestic housing growth of 16,500 units within the plan period.


·         in accordance with national policies and guidance, the personal circumstances of residents could not form part of planning policy and could not be taken into consideration when determining a planning application as defined under policy RA3 - Herefordshire's countryside.


·         people living with any number of long term medical conditions or other special needs were having these needs and circumstances ignored by the planning system, through no wish of the council.


Councillor KS Guthrie seconded the motion and said that there had been times that local Herefordshire families in rural areas had required a new home for an ill or disabled close relative in the proximity of their local community.  These types of planning applications were within small hamlets considered to be in “open countryside” and therefore were not supported by the current policy. If medical evidence were to become a material planning consideration, those who were unwell or disabled would not be disadvantaged as they presently were and would have the opportunity to live locally with the support of family and friends. 


In the ensuing debate the following point was made:


·         That the National Planning Policy Framework had a number of health and wellbeing references, and it was unlikely that such a motion would be considered by Whitehall, who would view it as a matter for each local authority to resolve.


The motion was carried unanimously.


RESOLVED: That The executive be requested to consider lobbying central government for a change to the national planning framework to enable local planning authorities to take personal circumstances into account as material planning considerations where proportionate residential development is considered necessary for a person suffering from a serious disability, or some other unusual or exceptional circumstances, and is supported by professional medical or other evidence, to enable that person to maintain and enjoy an acceptable quality of life.


Notice of motion 2 – mental health day


Councillor MD Lloyd-Hayes proposed the motion on behalf of Councillor Summers. 


Councillor PE Crockett seconded the motion commenting that this was a matter that was not sufficiently well recognised within the health sector.


In discussion the following principal points were made:


·         That mental health was a serious issue within the county and at the recent meeting of the health and social care overview and scrutiny committee it had been reported that the 2gether NHS Trust had received  a good report from the Care Quality Commission for its work.


·         The cabinet member, health and wellbeing said that she was prepared to consider any additional initiatives in this area, but that they would have to be set against the need to achieve value for money and the work that was already being undertaken.  She highlighted a number of initiatives that were already underway in the county.


·         That a mental health day would provide the council with an opportunity to highlight and publicise initiatives that were being undertaken without additional costs to the council.


·         That the mindSCAPE Projecthad been developed by the Wye Valley Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty to enable people living with dementia, their carers both familyand professional, to reconnect with the landscape in a sociable and creative way.


The motion was carried unanimously.


Resolved: That the executive be asked to consider the establishment of an annual designated mental health day to be called ‘Lets Listen Herefordshire’ and to be held every ‘blue Monday’ (that being the third Monday of each new year) from January 2017 onwards.


Notice of motion three – support of count them in  

Councillor MT McEvilly proposed the motion, and made the following principal points:


·         that the armed forces community within the county should not face disadvantage in the provision of services and that special consideration was appropriate, as enshrined in the Armed Forces Covenant.


·         The provision of more accurate data on the size or demographics of the armed forces community was important and should, where possible, include serving regular and reserve personnel, veterans, and their families.


·         That the availability of such data would greatly assist the council, local partner agencies, the voluntary sector, and national Government in the planning and provision of services to address the unique needs of the armed forces community within Herefordshire.

·         The cabinet member, health and wellbeing reiterated the number of initiatives that were already underway in the county in this area.


Councillor BA Durkin seconded the motion.

The motion was carried unanimously.


Resolved: that the executive be requested to support and promote the Royal British Legion’s call to include a new topic in the 2021 census that concerns military service and membership of the Armed Forces community; and to call upon the UK Parliament, which will approve the final census questionnaire through legislation in 2019, to ensure that the 2021 census includes questions concerning our Armed Forces community.


Notice of motion four: combating racism

Councillors JM Bartlett, TM James, RI Matthews, PM Morgan and AJW Powers proposed the motion and it was supported by all members.  During the discussion the following principal points were made, that:


·         whilst it was recognised that it did take place, it should be made clear that hate crime was unacceptable in the county.  There had traditionally been under reporting of such incidents and the fact that they appeared to be increasing might be a positive sign as it showed that more people were taking the issue seriously.


·         That the city council was taking positive steps to address this issue, which included the Herefordshire Pride event and twinning with a Polish city.


Resolved: That this council wishes to state unequivocally that Herefordshire welcomes people from all walks of life - and will continue to do so.


We want Herefordshire to be known for being a diverse and tolerant society. Unkind speech and acts of prejudice have no place in our county or our country.


This council continues to promote and celebrate differenceand we condemn all forms of racism, xenophobia and hate crime. We encourage respect for one another in all that we say and do, and wish to reassure all people visiting and living in this area that they are welcome and valued members of our community.

Supporting documents: