Agenda item

Review of off street parking tariffs

To agree the new off-street council car park tariffs for implementation in 2016.


The cabinet member for transport and roads presented the report explaining that there had been a broad consultation process including commercial bodies, representatives of the old cattle market, and the Herefordshire business improvement and development committee. Much of the changes to off street parking would allow for flexibility in offering a better service. For example, new pay meters could be automatically updated to adjust charges for occasions such as reductions for late night shopping. The proposed changes would also allow for a service more in line with public demand, for example all day parking in short stay car parks.


The chairman of general overview and scrutiny, noted a knock-on impact between off street parking and on street parking that if off street parking charges increased this would impact on residents from the public seeking free parking in residential areas. He asked what action would be taken to resolve the parking problems faced by local residents. In reply, the cabinet member for transport and roads explained that currently only off street parking was under review; however it was well understood that there were pressures with on street parking and this would be addressed.


The leader of It’s our County noted the link between the impact of changes to off street parking and trends for on street parking.  He further remarked that the current plan was to be implemented over three years and queried whether quicker implementation would have a greater positive impact on parking behaviour and also be more cost effective.

In response the head of technical and parking services clarified that the new charges would be implemented within a short period. However the new payment machines would be introduced over a longer three year period. The assistant director, commissioning, added that the intention was to make considerable changes across the area and that the pace of implementation would be reviewed on an annual basis.

The cabinet member for health and wellbeing congratulated the cabinet member for transport and roads for the success of parking concessions recently offered for late night Christmas shopping. She also expressed support for a system using intelligent parking machines allowing flexibility and other provision described in the report. It was noted however that there was a need to be aware of the variation of traffic in car parks as revenue could be increased by varying charges according to the time of day and other contextual factors.  The cabinet member for transport and roads noted that this would be possible with the new machines. 


The group leader for Herefordshire Independents noted the importance of council staff parking and suggested consideration of an incremental scheme where officers on higher pay scales contributed more to parking. He added that such a scheme must not have a detrimental impact on staff on lower pay who already commuted into the city and considerable expense. The leader and the cabinet member confirmed that the staff parking scheme would be reviewed in due course.


The group leader for the Greens commended the approach taken in the consultation behind the review in the market towns and recommended that this be used as a model for future consultations.



That the off street car park tariffs, including the relevant staff car park tariffs in Hereford,  outlined in the appendix of the report are approved for implementation from February 2016.   

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