Agenda item

Outcome of adult safeguarding peer challenge and action plan

To consider the outcome of the Adult Safeguarding Peer Challenge undertaken in September 2015 and agree the council’s response to the areas for improvement identified.


The Cabinet member for health and wellbeing introduced the report which identified three key points:

           there has been significant progress with what was an area of concern;

           the peer review noted the positive attitude of staff;

           three clear action points were identified which are described in the action plan provided with the report.


The director for adults and wellbeing described the context for the peer challenge which was supported by a sector-led regional board with representatives including the department of health and NHS. There was a comprehensive work programme which directors were signed up to which included a series of desk-top peer challenges in which Herefordshire had participated twice and a third round is about to commence in the region.  Work was happening to ensure robust methodology and quality of care in order for the programme to be a national exemplar for to adopt across the country.


The action plan was built into a range of improvement programmes.

One area arising from the review was that of the role and connectivity of the independent chair so this was being reviewed. A robust performance framework was to be developed to measure against safeguarding criteria. Progress on the action plan would be reported to the safeguarding board and across the partnership.  The review was regarded as a powerful learning opportunity for the organisation and for staff involved.


The vice-chairman of the health and social care overview and scrutiny committee (HSCOSC) welcomed the report and confirmed that the committee would scrutinise safeguarding processes in both adults’ and children’s services in March and the matter would remain in the committee’s work programme.


The Cabinet Member for economy and corporate services had taken part in the peer challenge in his previous cabinet member role and welcomed the review of the role of independent chair.  He noted that until recently more rigour had been applied to children’s safeguarding and emphasised the importance of members’ awareness of adult safeguarding. He welcomed the involvement of HSCOSC and the comments made by the vice-chair.  As a final comment, he made the observation that many actions arising from the peer review were for completion in April and therefore queried the reporting to HSCOSC in March. The vice-chairman of HSCOSC would discuss this with the chairman for consideration. 


The Herefordshire Independents’ group leader congratulated officers for their hard work. He commented on the rating for accountability (item 7) in the review as being green although it was considered as an area for improvement. Regarding members’ training (Item 9), he requested this be a face-to-face workshop rather than online. 


The leader of the Green group commended the report, noting the scope of the action plan and the references to the social care information system, Mosaic. She commented on the value of a progress report after April previously referred to.


The Cabinet member for health and wellbeing reminded members of an update briefing planned for next week.


The group leader for It’s Our County commented that there was a missed opportunity not to have a family member as a safeguarding board member and requested a firmer commitment on this.  In response the director for adults and wellbeing acknowledged the principle of this and pointed out the need to have a balanced representation from the community which may not be achievable with a sole representative.




(a)        the outcome of the review attached at appendix 1 be noted; 

(b)       the action plan attached as appendix 2 be approved as the response to the areas for improvement identified; and

(c)        any further actions necessary be identified to secure improvement. 

Supporting documents: