Agenda item


To note the main regulatory activities of the council’s environmental health and trading standards (EHTS) service for the year 2014/15 (period 1st April 2014 – 31st March 2015)


The Committee was invited to note the main regulatory activities of the Council’s, Environmental Health and Trading Standards (EHTS) services for the year 2014-15 period 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015

Prior to the report being presented Mike Pigrem Head of Trading Standards and Licensing (HTSL) confirmed that he will be retiring in November 2015.

The Chairman and Committee thanked him for his services.

Mike Pigrem introduced Mr David Hough Trading Standards Service Manager, who would be attending future meetings where Trading Standards matters feature on the agenda.

The Head of Environmental Health & Development Management (HEHDM) and the Head of Trading Standards & Licensing (HTSL) presented the report. The Committee expressed their appreciation for the work which was undertaken by the department.

In discussion the following principle points were made:

In reply to a question HTSL commented that staff numbers are up to the required capacity with recognition that there will always be a balance to be sought between area priorities and public expectations. There is a need to ensure that respective service areas maintain their critical mass in order to operate effectively.

Housing of multi occupancies (HMO) were discussed   with the HEHDM stating that member attendance to MATAC (multi agency tasking and co-ordination group meetings can be arranged if members wish to attend.

It was suggested that any future traffic monitoring in the Bar Gates area of Leominster should be carried out in conjunction with air monitoring.  It was also suggested that future reports should include annual trends in terms of statistics to enable the committee to opinion on progress made.

It was noted that seagull breeding pairs has fallen within Hereford over the last two years. The seagull control programme is currently financed by Herefordshire City Council.

A question was asked regarding the governments consultation on Sunday trading with confirmation from the HEHDM that this matter would in time be delegated to Local Authorities.

Hereford livestock market and smoking legislation was raised and whether the market came under the smoking legislation i.e. Health Act 2006 and associated regulations.

Rogue Trader case studies were highlighted with the HTSL confirming that zero tolerance approach is practiced given the high level of vulnerable people living in the county.

School attendance and truancy was discussed with a big increase seen in the number of referrals sent through from schools in comparison to last year, with no identified reason as to why this marked increase has transpired. It was suggested by members that this area might be a subject for a Task Group to explore and report back to Committee.

The Chairman congratulated the Animal Welfare Team but also expressed disappointment in resource reductions in this area…

A further question was raised regarding Animal Welfare referrals received and the amount of enforcement action taken with a suggestion that this area should be Benchmarked with other authorities for comparison.

The HTSL believed that the service remains great value for money for all stakeholders.  The Chairman and Committee agreed and requested that the Committee’s compliments are conveyed to all relevant teams.


The following action was requested:

  • Future traffic monitoring in the Bar Gates area of Leominster should be done in tandem with air quality monitoring.
  • A  working group be convened to investigate the increase in school absence referrals
  • Smoking within the Hereford livestock market to be clarified and enforced if required


The following issues were identified for future consideration:

  • Future annual performance statistics to include previous year comparisons to enable the committee to evaluate trends.
  • Benchmarking exercise with neighbouring authorities on Animal Welfare complaints. 


RESOLVED: That the report be received and noted





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