Agenda item

Public Interest Disclosure Act (PIDA) working group update

To inform the committee of the activities of the working group formed to review the actions taken in response to the recommendations made by Grant Thornton following their review of the customer relationship management system implementation.


The update report summarised the working group that was established in 2014 in response to a report from external auditors, Grant Thornton, which highlighted areas of learning for future major projects, following the procurement and implementation of the customer relationship management (CRM) system.


There remained one member of the group, who described that the group was set up as a task and finish group to consider the processes followed for the procurement and implementation of the customer relationship management (CRM) system following a whistleblowing matter raised by a member of staff. The working group met once in December 2014 to scope the work. The member added, however, that the group was advised to await development work on the whistleblowing policy and the constitution. There was a lack of continuity and the group did not meet again due to changes in personnel, resulting in the group not reaching a conclusion and issues not pursued.


A member proposed that the group be reconvened, which was seconded by the vice chairman.


There followed a discussion during which the following points were made by members:


           a working group was required to investigate the processes followed for the implementation of the CRM and to identify lessons to be learned for other projects;

           there was concern that the majority of members of the group were no longer around and that the findings so far lacked depth;

           the group did not meet again after the initial meeting;

           there was potential to gather people who have an interest in addressing the issues and to make it known that this is happening;

           outcomes must be seen to be robust and so there would need to be a clear topic for a reconvened group to work to;

           the report was factually correct but is not conclusive;

           concern that work was held up pending work on the constitution.


The governance manager referred to the report which described the group’s belief that the CRM processes were robust and sufficient. The greatest concern was regarding processes not being followed and this may be a focus for a future working group.


A member suggested that it would be practical to repeat process unless the report was accurate and provided the necessary information. However, the view from the proposer was that there were outstanding issues and the matter needed comprehensive consideration.  A member added that the original requirement to capture learning points with regard to the treatment of staff and procurement had not been met and that it would not be complete to accept the report as it stands.


The chairman proposed that the report be noted and that the proposer and seconder produce a form of words to enable a proposal for the working party, which would be discussed with the chairman of the General Overview and Scrutiny Committee.


A motion was carried to take the item and investigate the findings and determine the need to undertake further work. A working party would be formed to guide this review, and authority delegated to the chairman to determine the terms of reference for the group.


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