Agenda item


To approve the Children and Young People’s Plan 2015-2018.


Council was invited to approve the Children and Young People’s Plan.


The cabinet member – young people and children’s wellbeing presented the report.


In discussion the following principal points were made:


·         The cabinet member acknowledged that in the light of a government announcement permitting children with birthdays between April and August to start reception at age of five, rather than four, references to early years being 0-5 might need amendment.

·         In relation to page 50 of the agenda papers section 3 bullet point 2 it was asked what measures were envisaged to improve professionals’ knowledge in relation to mental health.   The cabinet member replied that professionals would be made aware of expectations regarding their training and the matter would be considered again when the plan was reviewed.

·         It would be essential to monitor and review the Plan’s effectiveness.

·         It was requested that regard be had to provision for children who suffered bereavemen,t noting the effect on mental health and wellbeing.  The cabinet member acknowledged this point.

·         The cabinet member – health and wellbeing commented that the Plan had been considered and approved by the Health and Wellbeing Board and she looked forward to the outcomes.

·         In relation to the aim of reducing the educational achievement gap between children in receipt of free school meals and other children to 5% it was noted that the current gap was 25%.  It was asked what the implications would be if free school meals were withdrawn following the Government’s spending review.  The cabinet member commented that a collaborative approach was needed with partners to meet funding challenges.  It was still possible to track children who met the specific criteria for free school meals eligibility.

·         The ability to fund the strategy given the funding gaps in the County was of key importance.

·         Assurance was sought that the Plan was joined up with the public health agenda, The cabinet member – young people and children’s wellbeing confirmed that public health along with other organisations needed to commit to the plan.

·         It was asked how the workforce strategy referred to at section 8.7 of the report would be monitored and reported on.  The cabinet member acknowledged the importance of securing the appropriate workforce.

·         With reference to section 8.8 of the report on community engagement it was suggested that reference should be made to the need to involve Parish Councils and the voluntary sector.  The cabinet member acknowledged this point.

·         The Plan involved co-ordinating some 20 different stakeholder groups.  It was important to ensure that the Plan was achievable.

·         There was already a projected overspend on the Children’s Services budget of over £1m.  `

·         In relation to respite care services, the cabinet member commented that short break provision depended on the needs of the child and family.  If the core assessment identified the need for respite care that would be provided.

·         The cabinet member agreed to make clear that one of the aims of the plan was to identify mental health problems early in life.

RESOLVED:  That the children and young people’s plan 2015-2018 be approved.

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