Agenda item


To receive a report from the Leader on the activities of Cabinet since the meeting of Council in March.


The Leader presented his report on the activities of Cabinet since the meeting of Council in March 2015.


In discussion the following principal points were made:


·        (paragraph 5 of the report)  Whilst expressing reservations about the housing targets retained within the Core Strategy a Member agreed that it was important that the Core Strategy was adopted as soon as possible.  An assurance was sought that if the Government made any further legislative changes these should not be permitted to hinder the adoption of the Core Strategy but should be addressed subsequent to that adoption.  The cabinet member – infrastructure replied that he had asked officers to establish if there was any likelihood of further delay.  If the Government made further legislative change it was possible that the council may have to undertake further work prior to adopting the strategy.  The issue of housing provision had been addressed at the examination in public.  He agreed that it would be desirable to adopt the Strategy as soon as practicable.


·        (paragraph 5 of the report) With reference to the adoption of the Council’s local plan it was asked when the Planning Committee would be able to give weight to Neighbourhood Plans.  The cabinet member – infrastructure commented that neighbourhood plans had to conform to the core strategy.  It was now expected that the strategy would be submitted to council for adoption in September.


·        (paragraph 7)  Councillor Harvey referred to the success of the Funding Circle - a peer to peer crowd funding scheme and enquired as to how the scheme had been arrived at.  The Leader commended Councillor Harvey for initiating the idea.


·        (paragraph 8) It was asked whether the Marches Local Enterprise Partnership Accountability and Assurance Framework had been approved by Government.  The Leader indicated that he would provide a written answer.


·        (page 39 of the agenda papers)  It was asked whether the draft children and young people with disabilities and special educational needs services transformation programme could be considered sound, noting, for example, the concerns expressed about the closure of no 1 Ledbury Road.  The cabinet member - young people and children’s wellbeing replied that services needed to be provided to meet a range of disabilities and the Strategy aimed to provide an improved service.  As previously stated, discussions would be held with Wye Valley NHS Trust on No 1 Ledbury Road.


·        (p39)  It was asked if there was confidence in the agresso system?  The director of resources commented that the system was used nationally by councils. Improvements were being made to the system and it was expected that it would save costs in the future.


·        (p40) It was asked whether the car parking concession being offered in Hereford City during the Three Choirs Festival would also apply where Three Choirs events were being held in the market towns and be extended to other significant events in those towns.  The cabinet member - transport and roads replied that he would clarify the matter of concessions for Three Choirs events to be held outside Hereford City.  Requests for concessionary parking for other events would need to be considered case by case.  He also acknowledged a request that consideration be given to the opening hours of public conveniences when such events were taking place and agreed to provide a written answer.


·        (p40) A member queried whether the decision to recommission the carers short break service had sufficiently engaged with the families of children using No1 Ledbury Road.  The cabinet member - health and wellbeing confirmed that the decision related to a different client group.  It was important to keep services under review because it was always possible to identify improvements.  The decision was a matter of public record.


·        (p41) It was asked whether the financial impact of the implementation of the Care Act had been calculated.  The Leader replied that the definitive position was not yet clear but the financial implications were significant.  He would inform Members of the position when it was known.


·        (p41) It was suggested that information on bids to be submitted via the Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) and accountability for decisions made in relation to bids was still lacking.  It was requested that at the very least these should be discussed by Group Leaders.  The Leader replied that he thought improvements had been made to the dissemination of information from the LEP.  However, if there were still shortcomings he requested that these be brought to his attention.  He would be happy to inform Group Leaders of proposals being considered by the LEP but emphasised that the Group Leaders were not a decision making body.


·        (p42)  A question was asked about vehicular access rights in relation to The Barn, St Katherine’s Ledbury.  The Leader commented that vehicular access to the property had been granted and movements on the property were a matter for the landowner.  He had previously supplied a written answer on this matter and had nothing further to add.


·        (p42/43) It was asked whether the Fastershire project would deliver fast broadband to businesses and business improvement districts as well as to industrial users.  The cabinet member - economy and corporate services) confirmed that this was the case.  Provision in Hereford City, Ledbury and Leominster was under a commercial contract.  Fastershire covered other areas.  He had regular discussions with BT about the commercial areas that were not covered, such as part of Ledbury.


·        (p43)  A question was asked about the legal dispute with the former street scene contractor and the financial risk to the Council.  The Leader commented that the authority had made a counter claim against the contactor and the adjudicator had found in the Council’s favour.  It was possible the matter would have to be resolved in the High Court.  Members would be updated at the appropriate time.


RESOLVED:  That the report be noted.

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