Agenda item


To consider an application for a variation to the Premises Licence in respect of ‘Play Nightclub, 51-55 Blue School Street, Hereford, HR1 2AR.


The Regulatory Sub-Committee considered a variation of the premises licence in respect of Play Nightclub, 51-55 Blueschool Street, Hereford.


The application requested an extension in hours for the permitted licensable activities until 4:00 am and also requested that the premises remain open to the public until 4:30 am on New Year’s Eve, Boxing night, Easter Thursday, A level result Thursday and the Sunday before Bank Holiday Monday. The application also requested the inclusion of adult review shows (with no exposure of genitals). Finally the application sought to bring the terminal hour for all nights of the week in line as well as requested an earlier start time of 6:30 pm.


The Licensing Manager presented the report and advised that a copy of the advertisement had been received by the Licensing Department and was accepted.


Mr Mooney and Inspector Sempler addressed the Sub-Committee on behalf of West Mercia Police, who had submitted a valid representation in respect of the application. They advised that the police did not object to the application for adult review shows and did not object to the request for a terminal hour of 4:30 am on New Year’s Eve. They also advised that following discussions, the applicant had agreed to revise the Boxing night terminal hour to 3:30 am. The increase in hours for the Sunday before Bank Holiday Mondays, Easter Thursday, and A Level result Thursday were objected to.


The Police produced statistics relating to alcohol related disorder in and around the premises, which was within the Council’s designated Cumulative Impact Zone. The Police also drew the Sub-Committee’s attention to the current police shift pattern which allowed extra officers to be on the street at the current peak times when premises closed, possible future issues regarding budget cuts within the police force were also noted.


Mr Spriggs, representing the Licensing Authority, also submitted a valid representation in objection to the application and raised the following points. The Licensing Authority also did not object to the application for adult review shows and did not object to the request for a terminal hour of 4:30 am on New Year’s Eve or the Boxing night terminal hour of 3:30 am. However, as per the Police objection, the increase in hours for the Sunday before Bank Holiday Mondays, Easter Thursday, and A Level result Thursday were objected to.


The Licensing Officer had concerns in respect of possible disorder at the nearby sandwich shops when hundreds of patrons exit the premises. He also quoted a case between Luminar Leisure and Wakefield High Court to support refusal of the application within the Cumulative Impact Zone.


Finally the Sub-Committee heard from Mr Guerche and Mr Reynolds, speaking on behalf of Play Nightclub. They advised the Sub-Committee that they had amended their application regarding Boxing night following discussions with the Police and Licensing Authority. They gave Members a detailed background of the reasoning behind the application and advised that all of the nights being requested for an extension had been licensed in previous years by means of Temporary Event Notices. In summing up they advised that they would be happy to reduce the hours applied for to 3:30 am for the sale of alcohol and hoped that the Sub-Committee would see fit to grant their application.






(a)          The proposed commencement of licensing hours of 6:30 pm be allowed.


(b)          The application for adult review shows be allowed.


(c)          That the applications in respect of Boxing Night and New Year’s Eve be granted until 3:30 am for licensable activities with the premises remaining open to the public until 4:00 am.


(d)          That the request for an extension to the hours in respect of all other nights applied for remain as existing (3:00 am)

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