Agenda item


To consider a proposal from the Taxi Association and other trade members to increase the taxi fares by 7%.  The matter for consideration has also attracted some objections to the increase which must also be taken into account when making any decision.


The Head of Environmental Protection & Licensing introduced a report regarding an application for a 7% increase to the Hackney Carriage fares which had been received from the Taxi Association and other members of the trade.


The Committee heard from Mr Jones and Mr Lane, representing the Taxi Association. They drew the Committee’s attention to the significant increases drivers had been subject to regarding licence fees, fuel, servicing and insurance. The issue of tariffs was also discussed at length, with it being noted that a number of operators now offered the reduced tariff 1 for night time bookings. It was further noted that a number of customers would now expect tariff 1 even if they had not made a prior booking, if this was not agreed by the driver, the customer would simply move to another taxi until someone agreed to take the reduced fare. Mr Rone’s representation addressing the increased use of tariff 1 was also discussed with Mr Jones of the view that Mr Rone should attend the Taxi Association meeting to put forward his suggestion that the trade in general use tariff 2 at the permissible times.


Mr Jones also advised the Committee of an error in the report as he was named in appendix A as requesting the increase. He wished it to be noted that he had not personally voted for a 7% increase but that he was representing the Members of the Taxi Association who had.


The Committee raised concern with a comment from Mr Jones that taxis were not for the poor. Mr Jones clarified his comments and apologised for any offence caused.


Mr Shakeshaft, another taxi driver, was also given the opportunity to address the Committee. He advised that the proposed increase would result in a 4.7% increase over the previous 4 years.


Members discussed the application and noted that fuel costs had increased by over 50% in the previous five years. They also noted that a reduced public transport network had resulted in more people using taxis.




THAT the Committee accept the proposed 7% increase in Hackney carriage fares.

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