Agenda item


To consider the Committee’s work programme.


The Committee considered its work programme.


Six topics had been proposed as the first subjects for scrutiny.  Scoping statements had been circulated separately setting out the reason for each proposed enquiry, a summary of each topic and its terms of reference.


The Chairman of each Task and Finish Group was invited to present the scoping statement within their themed area.


The following principal points were made in discussion:


·         Concern was expressed by some Members that the proposed topics had been hastily selected without sufficient consideration by the Committee of alternative subjects for scrutiny and without a thorough assessment of priorities.


It was acknowledged that some of the scoping statements that had been presented needed further work to complete them and that this would be undertaken if they were approved.


·         It was questioned whether the proposed topic of Tourist Signing (Brown Signs) was the highest priority within the Highways, Transportation and Waste themed area.  It was noted in response that the intention was to complete the review promptly.


·         A number of Members suggested that consideration of the Local Development Framework (LDF), in particular the consultation arrangements and decision making process, should be a priority. It was suggested that it was important to undertake this work before a further round of consultation on the LDF commenced.


The Chairman commented that his intention was that the six proposed topics would not be undertaken to the exclusion of other work.  He envisaged a number of one day reviews being undertaken in parallel with work on those topics.  It was proposed to hold a workshop to give consideration to the full work programme.  A programme would then be presented to the Committee for approval.


·         The Chairman of the Income and Charging Task and Finish Group commented that in her view scrutiny of the LDF was the priority and that this could potentially have a bearing on the timing of the Income and Charging Review.


·         Clarification was sought on the method of making appointments to the Task and Finish Groups and the selection of expert witnesses.  It was noted that expressions of interest had been invited from all Members.  Officers would provide advice on the selection of witnesses.


·         Dissatisfaction was expressed by some Members with the way in which the new scrutiny model had been introduced and was being implemented.  It was suggested that the way in which the proposed subjects for scrutiny had been submitted to the Committee had been unhelpful. It was requested that, in future, consideration should be given to holding informal discussions in advance of matters being presented formally to the Committee.


It was concluded that the proposed workshop to consider the work programme should involve only the 17 Members of the Committee.  However, the views of all Councillors would be invited in advance of the workshop.




That    (a)     a workshop be arranged for the members of the Committee to consider the work programme and a proposed programme then be reported to the Committee for approval; and


(b)       the subjects proposed for scrutiny listed at paragraph 10 of the report (Council Procurement Policy and Local Business and Local Employment, Income and Charging, Planning System Review – Development Control and the operation of the Constitution, Safeguarding Arrangements for Children in Herefordshire, Safeguarding Adults, and Tourist Signing (Brown Signs),  and the associated scoping statements be approved; and

(c)           the scoping statements be developed further, as appropriate, by the Vice-Chairmen working with lead officers.

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