Agenda item


Change of use of land from agricultural to mixed agricultural and as a landing field for a light aircraft, change of use of a barn from agricultural and equipment storage to include a vintage light aircraft. (Retrospective application)


Ward - Castle


Change of use of land from agricultural to mixed agricultural and as a landing field for a light aircraft, change of use of a barn from agricultural and equipment storage to include a vintage light aircraft. (Retrospective application)


The Principal Planning Officer gave a presentation on the application.


In accordance with paragraph of the Council’s constitution, Councillor JW Hope MBE, the local ward member, spoke in support of the application and noted that none of the local residents had objected to the application.


Members discussed the application and had concerns in respect of the lack of signage on the site as well as the hours of operation in respect of winter usage. In order to address their concerns members requested that conditions be added to exclude any usage of the landing strip in the hours of darkness and also to restrict any crop spraying.




That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1          F26 Personal condition


2          A detailed log of all take-off and landings at the application site shall be kept and made available for inspection on reasonable request from the Local Planning Authority.


Reason:  To enable the planning authority to monitor the use in the interests of the residential amenity of local residents having regard to policies DR1, DR2 and DR13 of the Unitary Development Plan.


3          Except in emergency, the use of the airstrip shall be restricted to use by light aircraft with a maximum take off weight of 995kg and shall not be used by microlights at any time unless otherwise agreed in writing by the local planning authority.


Reason:  In order to define the terms to which the application relates.


4          The number of aircraft movements (with take off and landing counting as separate movements) from the airstrip shall not exceed 8 per week (Monday to Sunday).


Reason:  To enable the planning authority to retain control over the development in the interests of the residential amenity of local residents having regard to policies DR1, DR2 and DR13 of the Unitary Development Plan.


5          Except in emergency no touch-and-go activity shall take place.


Reason:  To enable the planning authority to retain control over the development in the interests of the residential amenity of local residents having regard to policies DR1, DR2 and DR13 of the UDP.


6          The airstrip shall be grassed and shall be no more that 400m in length and 20m in width.


Reason: For the avoidance of doubt and to comply with the requirements of policy DR1 of the UDP.


7          There shall no be take offs or landings between the hours of 9pm and 9am daily.


Reason:  To enable the planning authority to retain control over the development in the interests of the residential amenity of local residents having regard to policies DR1, DR2 and DR13 of the UDP.


8          There shall be no parachuting, aerobatics or pilot training taking place at or operating from the site.


Reason:  To enable the planning authority to retain control over the development in the interests of the residential amenity of local residents having regard to policies DR1, DR2 and DR13 of the UDP.


9          Within 2 months of the date of this permission details of warning signs to be erected adjacent to the Public Right of Way shall be submitted to and approved in writing by the local planning authority. These signs shall be erected within 3 months of the date of this permission and shall be maintained and retained until such time that the use permanently ceases.


Reason: To warn users of the Public Right of Way of the adjoining landing strip in the interest of safety having regard to policy DR3 of the Unitary Development Plan.




1          N15 Reason(s) for the Grant of Planning Permission


2          N19 Avoidance of doubt - Approved Plans

Supporting documents: