Agenda item


To receive a presentation on the key principles informing the new accommodation strategy.


The Committee received a presentation on the key principles informing the new accommodation strategy.


The Head of Asset Management and Property Services (HAMPS) gave the presentation.  He explained that the Joint Corporate Property Strategy was one of the first combined Council and National Health Service property strategies in the Country.  The development of the Strategy had taken account of the Comprehensive Area Assessment and the Use of Resources assessment, the Government’s Operational Efficiency Programme (OEP) and the Total Place assessment. He emphasised that the Strategy was flexible to allow account to be taken of future change.


The aims were to achieve a hub and spoke model for administrative offices, a strong shared administrative centre based at Plough Lane, a series of co-locality offices based around the Market Towns and Golden Valley, better ways of working and improved outcomes for local people.


The benefits would be Asset/Property Rationalisation, lower total capital investment/expenditure needed, a reduction in reactive repairs and maintenance over 3-5 year cycles, a reduction in the growing backlog of maintenance liabilities, capital receipts from asset disposals for redirection to priorities, a reduction in annual running costs, lower costs for property and facilities management support services, carbon footprint reduction and safeguarding and improvement of local services.


The intention was to submit the Strategy to the NHS Herefordshire Board and Cabinet in mid-December and then to begin to implement the Strategy.


In discussion the following principal points were made:


·         Asked about the timetable for implementation the HAMPS explained that the Strategy .covered all property, not just office accommodation, and included a number of major projects.  The projects within the office accommodation section would take 3-5 years to complete.


·         Clarification was sought on the acquisition of the Plough Lane site.  The HAMPS confirmed that the contract was to be signed within the next few days. 


·         It was requested that a new name should be found for the Plough Lane site.


·         It was asked whether it was sensible to dispose of assets in the present market.  The Director of Resources said that the Council had a duty to get best value and careful consideration was given to the timing of disposals. 


·         The HAMPS confirmed that joint working with the NHS was taking place.  The options appraisal had looked at the scope to share office accommodation in particular.  The savings identified to date did not take into account NHS savings.


·         Asked about CO2 emissions and travel to work plans the HAMPS said that a mapping exercise was being undertaken looking at where people lived and the impact of office changes.  He noted, however, that 18,000 homes were to be built over the next few years which would have implications. 


·         The HAMPS confirmed that the intention with new buildings was for them to achieve a sustainability rating of very good or excellent and provide the most sustainable buildings possible within the limited resources available.




That:   the development of the Joint Accommodation Strategy be endorsed, whilst highlighting the importance of close working with partners, the importance of exploring all modes of transport to new office locations and the need to find a new name for the Plough Lane office.