Agenda item


To consider the Executive’s response to the Scrutiny Review of the Herefordshire Economic Development Strategy 2005-2025.


The Committee noted the response from Cabinet to the Scrutiny Review of the Herefordshire Economic Development Strategy 2005-25. 


The Chairman of the Review Group thanked all Members who had been involved in the Review process, and said that he was glad that the recommendations had been accepted by Cabinet.


The Economic Development Manager reported that it was intended to produce a new Economic Development strategy by October 2010.  This would allow time to reflect on the emerging priorities of the Local Development Forum (LDF) and findings of the local economic assessment. There would be a further report on the Review in six months time. 


Since the review had taken place, a number of the activities had been undertaken that relate to the recommendations in the strategy review.  There was, for example, enhanced communication between economic development and planning services – especially in relation to key projects such as Model Farm.  An Intentions Paper on the County’s approach to addressing the challenges of Broadband delivery had been produced in order to be presented to Cabinet. Initial discussions with the Hereford Heritage Regeneration Group on the transfer of assets had taken place and a draft proposals paper had been produced.  In the ensuing discussion, the following points were raised:

In reply to a concern from a Member regarding the use of the term sustainability, the Economic Development Manager said that the Council sought to achieve a balance between these two priorities. The Cabinet Member (Economic Development and Community Services) concurred, and added that sustainability should be seen in both environmental and economic terms.

In reply to a question, the Economic Development Manager said that the Business Booster Grant had been fully allocated for the current financial year.  If funding was available in 2010/11, it was intended that additional awards would be made.

A Member asked that, in light of the inclusion of the Wood Fuel Strategy under Recommendation 8, whether the Council should consider putting solar energy panels on its buildings in order to demonstrate support for this technology.  The Economic Development Manager replied that the Council was already involved in actively supporting environmental technologies.  It participated, with Shropshire and Worcestershire, in an environmental technology network designed to create a critical mass in the region.  The Cabinet Member (Economic Development and Community Services) added that the Council was awaiting the outcome of a grant application which had been submitted to Advantage West Midlands (AWM) for renewable technologies.

In reply to a question concerning the utilisation of Water Mills to generate electricity in the County, the Economic Development Manager said that AWM had put money into this idea, and 12 mills in the County had expressed an interest, but had found capital costs prohibitive.

It was noted that the Buchanan Trust were installing heat exchange units in the houses on its Estate.

The Economic Development Manager responded to a question on broadband availability in the County by saying that the Council was attempting to provide individual solutions for individual areas within the County.  It was clearly recognised that economic growth was dependant on broadband access.


THAT  (a)     Cabinet’s response to the findings of the Scrutiny Review of the Herefordshire Economic Development Strategy 2005-25 should be noted;


(b)    a further report on progress against the action plan should be made after six months with consideration then being given to the need for any further report be made.

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