Agenda item

Revenue Budget Monitoring Report 2009/10

To report on the monitoring of the Children’s Services revenue budget for 2009/10 at the end of quarter two.  To provide comparisons to 2008/09 budget and outturn so that Scrutiny Committee can assess and comment upon the budget management of Children’s Services.


The Committee considered the Children’s Services revenue budget for 2009/10 for the period to the end of quarter two.  The Committee were provided with comparisons to the 2008/9 budget and assessed and commented upon the budget management for Children’s Services.


The Assistant Director Planning, Performance and Development, highlighted that the projected overspend of £755k, reported to the September meeting, had been reduced to a projected overspend of £533k.  The Directorate Leadership Team had actioned several cost saving measures largely responsible for reducing the over-spend being projected.  Despite escalating pressures within safeguarding services further cost saving measures to minimise the impact whist not jeopardising service delivery had been introduced.  Work was progressing on the detailed review of current services and staffing requirements for the Directorate. Further budgetary details were provided in the report and appendices.


On scrutinising the report the following principal points were noted:

·         Questioned on the expenditure of circ £95k for providing Bed and Breakfast to homeless 16/17 year olds the Committee were informed that Children’s Services were working with a range of officers and service providers to address the issue, however, the service was responsible for the expenditure, an issue that would also need to be addressed in next years budget.  The Committee requested a briefing note on how the various providers were addressing the accommodation issue.

·         Responding to a question on the budget for ‘staff severance costs’ the Committee were informed that the budget was for meeting the cost of redundancies in schools and this was the council’s responsibility.  The Director of Children’s Services warned that in a time of falling pupil numbers some schools may face closure and this budget would inevitably incur additional costs.

·         Following the bringing ‘in-house’ of the Travellers Children Team, formerly provided regionally by the West Midlands Traveller Service, concern was expressed that these children may be being neglected.  The Director of Children’s Services informed the Committee that a better service could be given, and financial savings made, by bring the service back within the Council.  She assured the Committee that the service to these children was not being neglected.  The Committee requested that a report be made to a future meeting on how this service was now being provided.

·         Concern was expressed that if savings were being made in swimming (LEA pool £26k) the Committee requested assurances that adequate provision, particularly for Key Stage 2 pupils, was being provided by Halo.  The Committee requested a briefing note on the level of support provided by the Council through Halo to pupils achieving Key stage 2 swimming.

·         Noting the projected budget deficit in the Music Service the Chairman reported that Herefordshire Schools Forum had been given the opportunity to address a number of strategic issues, this being one, through their consideration of how to use the underspend on the Dedicated Schools Grant.  In his view the Forum had missed an opportunity to address a number of strategic issues instead of deciding to allocate the underspend to school on a per pupil basis.



a)      the report be noted; and

b)     a report be provided to a future meeting concerning the provision to Travellers Children following the bringing ‘in-house’ of the service from the West Midlands Traveller Service

c)      A briefing note be provided to Committee members on how RSLs, the Council’s Housing Team and HomePoint were providing accommodation for under 16/17 year olds who cannot live at home;

d)      A briefing note be provided to Committee members on the level of support provided by the Council through Halo to pupils in achieving Key Stage 2 swimming.

Supporting documents: