Agenda item

Capital Budget Report 2009/10

To scrutinise the capital budget position for 2009/10 for the Children & Young People’s Directorate.


The Committee considered the capital budget position for 2009/2010 for the Children and Young People’s Directorate.


The Schools Planning & Access Manager presented the agenda report and highlighted that the overall capital programme was being delivered on time and to budget.  The final business case for The Hereford Academy had been approved.  Herefordshire had negotiated a further £419,000 to deliver accommodation for alternative provision in each of the 14 High Schools.  Details of other capital projects were set out in the report.


On scrutinising the report the following principal points were noted:

  • That learning points encountered from working with the National Academies Framework would be fed back to the Partnership for Schools.  Issues had arisen around the wording of the contract and, as a consequence, this had delayed contractors getting on site.
  • Questioned on parking arrangements at the Hereford Academy the Committee were informed that residents had been consulted on the whole project, however, attendance at meetings had been poor.  The inclusion of a 6th Form had been a mandatory condition of getting an academy.
  • The Head of Access and Capital Commissioning confirmed that a further £102,000 developer contribution had been received from the Bradbury Lines development which was ringfenced for schools in the local area. Responding to criticism about the time taken in using the Sec 106 monies the Director of Children’s Services commented that schemes needed to be assessed against the priorities set out in the Asset Management Plan and it was anticipated that proposals on the use of the funding would be put to the Cabinet Member in the near future.
  • The handover of the Riverside Primary School was due to take place on 15 December 2009 ready to accommodate pupils in the spring term.
  • Questioned on the use of spare capacity or staff resources at high schools, particularly at the Minster College, Leominster, and a suggestion that it could have been used to provide post 16 diploma courses, the Director of Children’s Services commented that the County had been slow over the 14-19 agenda and agreed more work was needed in this area.  The capacity of the new high school at Leominster had been set by the DCSF.
  • In relation to the capital maintenance programme the Committee questioned the methodology for assessing school property and the likely cost of the identified maintenance.   The Head of Access and Capital Commissioning reported that these details were identified through the Condition Survey, Schedule of Works and Asset Management Strategy.  The Committee requested a briefing note covering the above issues.
  • Members requested to be kept informed of the location of the second Hereford City co-located Children’s Centre site north of the river.



a)      The report be noted and a briefing note be provided to Committee Members on the condition of school properties (as identified through the Condition Survey, Schedule of Works, Asset Management Strategy) and an indication be given of budget requirement / allocation to meet maintenance needs.

b)     Members be kept informed by briefing note of progress concerning the location of a co-located Children’s Centre north of the City.

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