Agenda item

Introduction and implications of Nursery Education Funding (NEF) and Single Funding Formula

To note the background information on the scheme for Free Early Education for 3 and 4 year olds – also known as Nursery Education Fund (NEF) together with an update on recent, local and national developments.


The Committee noted the background information on the scheme for Free Early Education for 3 and 4 year olds – also known as Nursery Education Funding (NEF) and received an update on recent local and national developments.


The Manager Early Years and Extended Services reported that the delivery of Nursery Education Funding was a statutory requirement from the DCSF. Herefordshire was asked to implement additional hours to meet the Extended Entitlement for the 25% most deprived children in Herefordshire from September 2009. The full extension of the extended entitlement from 12 hours to 15 hours will be a universal provision across Herefordshire from September 2010. The introduction of 2 year funding for the 15% most deprived Children, 10 hours per week, was a direct request again from the DCSF, to commence September 2009. This project is funded for 2 years until September 2011. The implementation of a Single Funding Formula is also a statutory directive from DCSF to be in place in all local authorities for April 2010.  Herefordshire is also piloting 2 year old funding from September 2009 to the 15 % most deprived children.  Funding has also been allocated for a second year 2010/2011.  The identified target group for Herefordshire is some 50 places.  A place equates to 10 hours per week.  It may be that parents do not wish to take up the full 10 hours. In this instance the offer will be available to more than 50 children hence allocated as places.  Further detail on the schemes was provided in the agenda report.


The Manager for Early Years and Extended Services reported that the DCSF were concerned about the impact of the new formula on authorities with nursery schools but because there are no nursery schools in Herefordshire she considered that subject to confirmation with Government Office, that the single funded formula was ready for implementation in Herefordshire.  The Committee supported it’s implementation from April 2010.


Opportunities had been offered for settings to meet and discuss the changes and proposals, however, there had been minimal responses to the third and final full consultation undertaken in October 2009.


The level of funding per setting was dependant on the total number of settings, the figures in the report were indicative only.  However,  it was highlighted that while the basic ‘fixed rate per child’ reduced per year this was to a greater degree offset by the application of ‘disadvantaged’ and ‘deprivation’ supplements.  The Committee noted that settings with high numbers of vacancies would have reduced funding.  It was further noted that a number of settings already topped up the funding by seeking other sources of funding.


Noting that the funding was already with the Council as part of the Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) funding, it was questioned what happened at the end of the two year funding period.  The Committee were informed that the current expectation was that funding would continue to be provided through Dedicated Schools Grant (DSG) in future.


A comment was made that if the schemes involved increased levels of administration then settings may not be willing to take up the schemes.


Questioned why Herefordshire paid one of the highest sessional rates for NEF the Committee were informed that the payment level was historical and that it had been agreed with Schools Forum to reduce the payment so that it would be comparable with neighbouring authorities.



a)      The report be noted and based on the information presented the Committee supported the introduction of the funding schemes detailed;

b)     The Committee considered that the administration of the schemes, especially for schools, be made clear and as efficient as possible.

c)      Schools be reminded that other funding sources may be available.

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