Agenda item

Safeguarding and Vulnerable Children Seminar to Members 9 November 2009

To note a summary of the Member’s seminar on 9 November 2009 concerning Safeguarding and Vulnerable Children and consider issues arising.


The Committee noted a summary of the Member’s seminar held 9 November 2009 concerning Safeguarding and Vulnerable Children and considered issues arising.


The Director of Children’s Services presented the agenda report which summarised a number of questions and answers from the seminar. She commented that officers in the Safeguarding Team had worked hard to improve the delivery of service.


Responding to questions on whether there were adequate cross border procedures in place to protect Children in Need when they moved home, the Committee were informed that procedures were in place and no problems were being experienced.


Arising from questions concerning 16/17 year olds looking for housing it was suggested that the Cabinet Member (Children’s Service) consider approaching the Registered Social Landlords in Herefordshire to encourage them to further engage in accommodating 16/17 year olds who, for family reasons, cannot live at home.


Questioned on the level of service, number of carers and funding available through the Kinship Care system the Committee agreed to being advised by briefing note.


Responding to questions on Corporate Parenting the Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) responded that the Corporate Parenting Panel was being refreshed and further focused work would be undertaken.  Continuing the theme it was acknowledged that members may benefit from further training on their Corporate Parenting duties and responsibilities.


Responding to whether the local member should be involved in individual care cases the Director of Children’s Services responded that issues arose over confidentiality and whether the child, parent or foster parent wanted the involvement. An opposite view was expressed that members should focus on ensuring that procedures were correct at a strategic level.  It was suggested that the parent or carer should be given the contact details of their local member should they wish to contact them.


The Cabinet Member (Children’s Service) suggested that if members wanted to meet with local carers then members could be invited to attend the Annual Care Awards.


Questioned on the introduction of ICT enabled mobile working the Committee were informed that currently work was focused on the implementation of the Frameworki system.  The Director reported that further investment across the Council would be required to introduce the technology needed to enable staff to work on-line while away from the office.


The Committee noted that while a good working relationship existed between the various partner child protection teams it was suggested that even greater efficiencies could be obtained through a closer integration of the various teams.


The Committee had concerns about the transition procedure to adult care and requested that a briefing note on the procedure be supplied which included details about whether the young person received help in accessing further education and housing.


The Chairman referred to a new CfPS publication entitled ‘Safeguarding Children Scrutiny Guide’ and requested that the Director of Children’s Services provide the Committee with a report answering the ‘top 10 questions to ask’ contained in the document.



a)      The Director of Children’s Services discuss with the Cabinet Member (Children’s Services) whether the Herefordshire Registered Social Landlords (RSL) be approached to encourage their further engagement in accommodation provision for under 18 year olds who cannot live at home.

b)     That a report on the programme and timetable to roll out mobile ICT working systems to Social Workers be presented to a future meeting;

c)      To enable further efficiencies in working practices The Director of Children’s Services consider the further integration of the Police and Social Services Teams;

d)     The duties as Corporate Parents be made clear to all Council Members, and further training be carried out;

e)     A report responding to the 10 questions set out in the CfPS publication ‘Safeguarding Children Scrutiny Guide’ be presented to the March 2010 meeting;

f)       A briefing note be provided to Committee members on the transition procedures in place, (including their further education and housing opportunities), that ensures that children in need/ vulnerable children undertake an efficient transfer to the Adult Social Care system.

g)     A briefing note be provided to Committee members on the Kinship Carers provision including the number of carers and funding thereof.

h)       A briefing note be provided to Committee members on the range of services offered to children and families when relationships are at breaking point.

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