Agenda item


To receive a presentation reviewing past performance, identifying key issues and commenting on future plans.


The Leader of the Council made a presentation to the Committee making the following principal points:


The last year had been a challenging one with the significant impact of the               credit crunch and the recession to be addressed.


The Council’s performance had improved, the Audit Commission’s assessment being that the Council was now improving well.  He emphasised the importance of the Council and its strategic partners working even more closely together to achieve further improvement.


He outlined developments at Regional Level consequent upon the imminent demise of the West Midlands Regional Assembly.  This included the establishment of the Board of Leaders which had sharpened delivery.


He had worked with the Regional Minister to maintain Herefordshire’s profile and press the case for investment.  There were 20 ‘Impact Investment Locations’ across the region as priorities for investment in transport, housing, regeneration and economic development.  Two benefitted the County directly: a rural housing development in Herefordshire and Shropshire and the Edgar Street Grid Development.  Herefordshire was also recognised as a sub-regional growth centre.


He continued to work with other authorities to make the case to Government on the funding needs of rural areas.


Priorities for the year ahead included Children’s Services.  Safeguarding issues were a concern reflecting a national problem in recruiting social workers. Consideration also needed to be given the criteria that would govern the future of schools in the County.  The recession would also impact on those neither in employment, education or training.  The provision of adequate funding to Councils to enable them to take back the role of the defunct Learning and Skills Council would also be important.


The Audit Commission had recognised the improvement that had been made in adult services and the benefits being derived from the joint working with the Primary Care Trust. However, the provision of care to adults would also be a challenge. 


The County’s economy was another major issue.  He considered the Rotherwas Access Road had made jobs safer on the industrial estate.  He highlighted the importance of the provision of Broadband and the Edgar Street Grid (ESG) development.  He expressed concern about the impact of the recession on the Market Towns suggesting there was a role for local councils in addressing this.


Housing including provision of temporary accommodation would also be challenging.


The expectation was that Local Government would face tight financial settlements in future. He considered the accommodation strategy and the Herefordshire Connects programme were examples of areas where the Council had already taken steps to prepare for that eventuality.


He requested that Scrutiny contribute constructively to addressing these significant challenges.


In the ensuing discussion the following principal points were made:




·                The role of the Board of Leaders and the influence it could wield was discussed.  The Leader commented that in his view it raised the profile of Local Government adding that an effective sub-regional link would also be important in the face of the likely restriction on public sector expenditure.


·                The role of the ESG Board was discussed.    The Leader commented that whilst the Board had been set up to oversee the ESG project, the Council and Advantage West Midlands were responsible for taking the key decisions on the development.  He added that the project was a long-term one and as such would need to be adapted as it progressed to reflect changing circumstances.


·                A Member commented on concerns being expressed by businesses and the public about the ESG project.  The Leader observed that those who were critical of the proposal needed to consider the alternative. He was convinced of the importance of taking advantage of the public funding available for the project to ensure the continued development of the City.


The Committee noted the presentation.