Agenda item


Provision of 6 affordable dwellings on site of former poultry unit, bio-disc treatment plant and use of existing access.


Provision of 6 affordable dwellings on site of former poultry unit, bio-disc treatment plant and use of existing access.


The Principal Planning Officer reported the following updates:


Orcop Parish Council provided the formal response to a questionnaire sent out to 178 local residents. 100 responses were received.


The findings of the survey indicated that 75% of those who responded felt there was a need for affordable dwellings in the parish, 25% of respondents felt that the young adults in their household would benefit from the purchase of an affordable dwelling. 40% of respondents identified that affordable housing would be a benefit.


In conclusion just under 70% of those who responded wished the Parish Council to support the proposed scheme.


A further letter of objection had been received from a Mrs V Harcombe of Wenmai Cottage, Orcop Hill. She reiterated her strong objections and urged the refusal of planning permission as follows:-


-maintain that burying of asbestos is a health hazard

-only 3 of the affordable homes were sold as affordable, the remaining 3 were sold privately. Likelihood that this would happen again if permission was granted given the current housing market

-No facilities within 3 miles of the site 


The Southern Team leader advised that the key changes to the current application were an increased market value discount of 45% and an amendment to the indicative housing layout plan.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mrs Morris Morriss [Minute amended at SAPSC meeting on 13 May 2009]  , representing Orcop Parish Council, spoke in support of the application, Mr Baly, a local resident, spoke in objection, and Mr Griffin, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support.


Councillor MJ Fishley, one of the Local Ward Members, felt that the addition additional [Minute amended at SAPSC meeting on 13 May 2009] dwellings would benefit the local community. She added that in her opinion the revised price of 109000 for a three bed dwelling was affordable and therefore she supported the recommendation.


Councillor RH Smith, the other Local Ward Member, advised Members that he had requested that the application come before committee. In response to a point raised by Councillor Fishley, he confirmed that a housing needs survey had been completed in 2003 and that Orcop Parish Council had requested another one in 2007 although this request had been rejected. He noted the support of the Parish Council and felt that there was a need for affordable housing in Orcop. He voiced concerns regarding the possibility of buried asbestos on the site and he stated that this would have to be addressed through conditions if planning permission was granted. He noted that there was not unanimous local support for the application and felt that this view was supported by a 52 name petition which had been submitted to the planning department.


Councillor JG Jarvis concurred with Councillor Smith in respect of the local housing need but noted that the application was contrary to policy H10 of the Council’s Unitary Development Plan. He advised Members that Policy H10 stated that only one dwelling could be permitted on the site at present and therefore moved the Officer’s recommendation.


In response to a question the Southern Team leader confirmed that the dwellings would be allocated through Homepoint with priority given to local residents on a priority basis. He added that if local buyers could not be found then Homepoint would offer the properties to applicants from further afield within Herfordshire.


Councillor PD Price voiced his concerns regarding Homepoint’s allocation procedures. He advised Members that a local family could be ineligible for a 3 bed house through Homepoint’s conditions if they were only deemed to require a two bed house.


Councillor RH Smith echoed the concerns raised by Councillor Price. He felt that the application should be refused subject to an amendment to reason 1 for refusal in the Officer’s report.




That planning permission be refused for the following reasons:


1.      The proposal constitutes development in open countryside where there is a strong presumption against new residential development unless there are exceptional circumstances to justify otherwise.  The proposal does not entail the provision of a single affordable dwelling and is therefore contrary to Policies H7 and H10 of the Herefordshire Unitary Development Plan and the guiding principles of PPS7 - Sustainable Development in Rural Areas.


2.      The proposal by reason of its isolated rural location would not be sustainable in terms of reducing the need to travel by private car as required by Policies S1, S6 and DR2 and as set out in Government advice contained in PPS7 – Sustainable Development in Rural Areas, and PPG13 – Transport.

Supporting documents: