Agenda item


To provide an update on the projected outturn for financial year 2008/09 for Adult Social Care and Strategic Housing.


The Committee considered the projected outturn as of the end of October 2008-09 for Adult Social Care and Strategic Housing.


In response to a question from the Chairman, the Director of Integrated Commissioning reported that there would be a meeting the following week which would identify the key variables in the Learning Disabilities budget and address the issue of the cost of individuals meetings the Continuing Health Care criteria, which amounted to £942k.  The required funds should be forthcoming thereafter. 


He went on to say that there were a number of potential risks that could impact on the position of the forecast out turn.  These included outstanding invoices that had been raised against the PCT from previous years for the Community Health Council (CHC) and the Shires Nursing Home, Hereford, contracts.  Both of these were the subject of ongoing negotiations, as was the issue raised by Shaw Healthcare concerning the ongoing costs of vacant units at Leadon Bank Nursing Home, Ledbury.


The Management Accounts Manager reported that that whilst there had been a reduction in bed and breakfast costs to the Strategic Housing Service, there had been a significant increase in expenditure in the homelessness prevention fund, which included the payment of rental deposits.  This was a volatile area of the budget, which made forecasting complex.


The Head of Strategic Housing reported that the Service was undertaking important work with the Citizen’s Advice Bureau on debt advice.  He added that the position regarding the numbers in bed & breakfast accommodation had not worsened, and it was likely that there would be no families in bed and breakfasts over the Christmas period.  He pointed out that the Service was trying to achieve a reduction in homelessness numbers in the middle of the economic downturn, but that they were on target at this point.  Private sector lease options were being considered to help manage the position.


It was noted that the issue of housing ex-military personnel, some of whom suffered from mental health problems and physical injuries was being addressed.


The Interim Director of Adult Social Care added that the pressures that faced the Service were the same throughout the year; that of increasing demand.  The information available to the Service was better than that which had been available year ago, and work was in hand to ensure that the most up to date information was available for all areas of uncertainty. It was expected that the budgets would be balanced by Year End.


In reply to a query, the Director of Adult Social Care said that there was an underspend on the Supporting People programme.  This was a substantial sum of money, a proportion of which could be used to meet the needs of vulnerable people.  A plan had been approved to ensure that it was utilised for those who required it.





a)      The forecast outturn for 2008/09 agreed with the Directors based on service and financial performance outlined in this report is noted,


b)           The continuing efforts of the Directors to ensure service targets are met within the approved budget are endorsed,




c)      An improved forecast of outturn for the 2008/09 financial year be reflected in the next financial monitoring report.

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