Agenda item

Information for Parents Booklets

To approve the separate booklets for the admission/transfer of pupils into (a) primary and (b) high schools.


The Forum considered a report requesting approval of booklets for the admission/transfer of pupils into primary and secondary schools. .


It was noted that paragraph 4 (ii) of Appendix 3A 6 should read ‘High School’ not ‘Infants’.


A Member referred to paragraph 4.1(i) regarding the Statement of Special Educational Needs which names the school and suggested that this is the parent’s choice.


Sharon Menghini informed the Forum that it is the parent’s/carer’s choice to decide which school they prefer.


Concern was expressed by a member that parent’s appeals regarding school preference decisions do not have any regard or relationship with school waiting lists and that this anomaly applied to the numbers of children given places at schools in accordance with Special Educational Needs (SEN).


Andrew Blackman, School Admissions and Transport Manager, stated that waiting lists and school appeals together with SEN children given places at schools are administered in accordance the appropriate regulations.


Sharon Menghini, Director of Childrens Services, suggested that a transparent  statement be included in the appropriate booklet which highlights the non association between the rules, procedures and protocols relating to school appeals, SEN children and school waiting lists and would give a greater understanding of these issues.


A Member referred to the fact that some parents made a decision not to send their children to certain schools because they could not afford the cost of the school uniforms. The Member suggested that school uniform costs should not be an issue with children not choosing schools and that there should be rules in place to help with these problems.


A Member referred to the rules where parents can write to the Chair of Governors with complaints, page 32 of Appendix 3A refers, and took the view that communication with the chairman of governors should be available via email.


Sharon Menghini informed the Forum that work was in progress to include a list of Chairman of Governors email addresses on a Web site which parents could log into and that reference to the list would be included in the appropriate paragraph in relation to complaints procedure on page 32 of the Appendix to the report.


Discussion ensued regarding the non compliance of admission policies at some schools. It was suggested that where there is non-compliance of policies, the school should be informed that it has a period of one month to comply and that failure to do so would result in the issue being brought to the attention of the Schools Adjudicator. Also, that a letter be written to the Chairman of Governors advising of the situation.


A Member referred to the Forms for completion regarding Statemented Children and suggested that the Forms should read ‘Statemented and Banded Funding’.


Sharon Menghini, Director of Childrens Services, informed the Forum that the ‘Statemented and Banded’ issue was currently being reviewed.


A Member made reference to the use of the term ‘Open Place Special’ under the haeding ‘How Places were Allocated’ and that this category should be explained.


Sharon Menghini took the view that that the word ‘Special’ was inappropriate.


With reference to paragraph 4 on page 175, a Member requested clarity on how the definitions in the bullet points are rated.


The discussed the Admission Policies of School Sixth Forms and reference was made to the omission of information in respect of Wyebridge Sports College.


Sharon Menghini agreed that there should be an appropriate Sixth Form Policy for Wyebridge.


RESOLVED:   (a)        that the booklets for admission/transfer of pupils into primary and secondary schools be approved subject to the following amendments:


(i)                       a transparent statement be included which highlights the non association between the rules, procedures and protocols relating to school appeals, SEN children and school waiting lists;


(ii)           a policy be written which gives a school one month to comply with admission policies and that failure to comply will result in the school being reported to the Schools Adjudicator. The Policy to include written notification to the School’s Chairman of Governors of the notice period;


(iii)          information indicating how ratings are attained at the bullet points in paragraph 4 on page 175 be included;


(iv)         an appropriate paragraph be included giving details for Wyebridge Sports College in the ’Admission Policies for School Sixth Forms’;


                        b)         that the issue regarding the association of  Uniform costs preventing children being admitted to some schools be investigated.         














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