Agenda item


For:     F. M. Green per Brian Griffin P & C C Ltd, The Cottage, Green Bottom, Littledean, Gloucestershire, GL14 3LH


Ward: Pontrilas


To consider an application which has been referred to the Committee because the Southern Area Planning Sub-Committee was mindful to approve it contrary to policy and officer recommendations.


It was reported that the application had been referred to the Committee because the Southern Area Sub-Committee was mindful to approve it contrary to policy and officer advice. The Sub-Committee felt that although the proposal did not accord with the polices of the Unitary Development Plan, in this case an exception should be made because:


1.      there was an unmet need for affordable and specialist housing in the rural areas;


2.      Much Birch had many facilities which made it a suitable settlement for additional housing including a primary school, church, community hall and doctors’ surgery. The village is also on a main bus route;


3.      the site was very unkempt and untidy and a well designed new housing scheme would be a significant improvement. Furthermore, the site had been previously identified as development land;


4.      the development would bring a specific benefit of additional parking facilities for the church, surgery and village hall; and


5.      the biodiversity reason for refusal could be overcome with appropriate conditions.


The Southern Team Leader presented the following updates:


An ecological survey has been received which states that there is no evidence of bat use in the buildings on the site and that the potential for it to support any is low. It is also stated in the report that nesting birds are protected in the breeding season,


The Council’s Ecologist confirms the findings of the mitigation survey recently received. However, the Council’s Ecologist understands that a survey for Great Crested Newts has not been completed, and therefore that remains an outstanding issue as reflected in the second reason for refusal


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr Griffin, the applicant’s agent, spoke in support of the application.


Councillor RH Smith, the Local Ward Member, felt that the proposals would serve to fulfil a local housing need, provide car parking for the village hall and considerably enhance the village by redeveloping an area which had become derelict and a considerable eyesore.  The local community was enthusiastic about the proposals and in view of the advantages that would be provided for them he felt that an exception could be made to the Council’s planning policies and approval granted. Several Members expressed their support for the proposals and shared the view of the Local Member and the community that the scheme would be a considerable asset for the village.  Councillor JW Hope was of the view that the proposals were premature and that the housing needs survey needed to be completed before a judgement could be made.  Councillor RV Stockton was concerned about the proposed density on the site and that there were no guarantees that social housing would be provided. 


The Development Control Manager and the Southern Team Leader confirmed that the application was for outline permission only and that the access was the only factor to be determined at this stage. They confirmed that there was no pressing housing need in the village and that the application was contrary to Policies H6, H9 and H10 of the UDP.  They felt that approval would raise expectations for other sites and the Regional Spatial Strategy was leaning more towards new housing in the market towns rather than rural areas. The fact that the site was brown field and an eyesore did not outweigh the policies.  The Head of Planning Services said that the Committee needed to be aware of all the implications and to weigh them against the material considerations of the application.  Notwithstanding the views of the Officers and having considered all the points put forward about the application, the Committee decided to make an exception to policy and approve it.




That the application be approved subject to a Section 106 Planning Obligation, Town and Country Planning Act 1990 to secure at least 5 affordable dwellings, and subject to any appropriate conditions felt to be necessary by the Head of Planning Services.

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