Agenda item


Proposed implements store incorporating bunkhouse accommodation at first floor level with ablutions, drying and common room on the ground floor.  

Ward: Ledbury


Proposed implements store incorporating bunkhouse accommodation at first floor level with ablutions, drying and common room on the ground floor.


In accordance with the criteria for public speaking, Mr Jolly spoke in support of the application.


The Principal Planning Officer emphasised that the development had the full endorsement of the Cultural Services Manager because it provided a unique facility for walkers and cyclists.


The Local Ward Member, Councillor PJ Watts, asked if the original building was different in size to the one in the plans and the Principal Planning Officer said that the original building was slightly smaller, and single-storey.  In response to a further question from Councillor Watts, the Principal Planning Officer confirmed that Condition 1 of the recommendation was reasonable in respect of the amount of days a person or group were allowed to occupy the accommodation.  Councillor Watts requested that the length of stay for an individual or group be cut from 28 to 14 consecutive days, and that in any one calendar year, they may occupy the accommodation for 100 instead of 156 days.  The Legal Practice Manager confirmed that this was a reasonable amendment.


In response to a question from another Local Ward Member, Councillor ME Cooper, the Principal Planning Officer assured the committee that enforcement officers would monitor the site carefully to ensure that the conditions were adhered to. 


RESOLVED:   That planning permission be granted subject to the following conditions:


1 -     The bunkhouse accommodation hereby permitted shall only be used for holiday purposes by tourists. No person or group of persons shall occupy the accommodation for more than 14 days consecutive days at a time and shall not occupy the accommodation for more than 100 days in any one calendar year.


         The owners/operators of the site shall maintain an up-to-date register of the names of all occupiers of the bunkhouse accommodation and of their main home address (i.e. place of residence) and shall make this information available at all reasonable times to the Local Planning Authority.


         Reason: To ensure that the development hereby permitted is used for the specific use applied for.


2 -     Within three months from the date of this permission full details of secure cycle parking storage facilities in accordance with the Herefordshire Council's 'Highway Design Guide for New Developments' shall be submitted to the Local Planning Authority for their written approval. The bunkhouse accommodation hereby permitted shall not be first occupied until such written approval has been obtained and the secure cycle parking storage facilities provided. Thereafter the secure cycle storage facilities shall be maintained.


         Reason: To ensure satisfactory access to modes of transport other than the private motor vehicle




1 -     That part of the development that is used for the storage of machinery required to maintain the grounds of the holiday park is considered to comply with the provisions of the Development Plan. The bunkhouse accommodation is permitted contrary to the provisions of the Development Plan due to the identified need for such accommodation together with its excellent location. The building itself is considered to be visually acceptable in accordance with the provisions of the Development Plan.


2 -     The applicant is advised that approval is required under the Building Regulations.


3 -     For the avoidance of doubt the plans to which this decision relate are:


·         Application Site Plan (Scale 1:5000) received 18th January 2008; and

Block Plan (Scale

Supporting documents: