Agenda item
Rotherwas Archaeology:Option for Preservation of the Ribbon and Completion of the Rotherwas Access Road
To approve the recommendation that the appropriate approach to completion of the Rotherwas Access Road in the context of the advice received from English Heritage as to the best method of preserving the archaeological remains that the Rotherwas access Road be completed and the Rotherwas Ribbon be preserved in accordance with Option F of this report.
Supporting documents:
- Report on Rotherwas Archaeology Options for Preservation of the Ribbon and Completion of the Rotherwas Access Road, item 3. PDF 77 KB
- Appendix (a) to follow, item 3. PDF 25 KB
- Appendix (b) Interim Statement on the Archaeological Discoveries at Rotherwas March to July 2007, item 3. PDF 1 MB
- Appendix (c) Letter from English Heritage to Director of Environment, item 3. PDF 282 KB
- Appendix (d) Archaeology Method Report Issue 2 (2), item 3. PDF 135 KB
- Appendix (d i) map, item 3. PDF 125 KB
- Appendix (e) Alternative Design Report, item 3. PDF 146 KB
- Appendix (f) Termination Clause Report, item 3. PDF 144 KB
- Appendix (g) Proposal for Archaeological Evaluation of Rotherwas Ribbon, item 3. PDF 56 KB