Agenda item

Principles on future provision of school places

To consider the draft principles on future school provision and to provide comments to shape the final document.


The Committee considered the draft principles on the future school provision and provided comment to shape the final document.


The Director of Children’s Services reported that a draft paper entitled “Principles to Guide the Provision of Education in Herefordshire in the 21st Century” was currently with key partners for consultation (copies having been issued to the Committee prior to the meeting). The provision of school places and school organisation were major determinants in how resources were allocated and expended.  The aim of the paper was to seek agreement on the principles by which the Council would want to base educational provision.  In developing the Statement of Principles account had been taken of the vision, ambitions and local priorities set out in various key Council plans.  Following the consultation period a final report would be taken to Cabinet.


The agenda report, and appended report to Cabinet dated 16 March 2006, set out the background and context against which the ‘principles paper’ had been produced.  The Head of Commissioning and Improvement reported that while a number of comments had been received, Secondary schools had so far broadly welcomed the document.  Discussions with the primary schools were still to be held.


During consideration of the report the following principal comments were noted:


  • The level of SEN or banded funding would not be affected.
  • While national statistics indicated an increase in birth rates, Herefordshire birth rate figures were falling, however, the situation would be closely monitored.
  • The effect of changes to the way pupils were educated e.g. public, private or at home, were expected to be minimal.
  • The Director commented that statistics were not an accurate science and therefore further work would be undertaken e.g. the effect of people migration and discussion with planners on expected new build housing, to try to ensure the best picture was obtained.  Specific discussion would be held in due course with school Heads in relation to the data used.
  • A degree of concern was expressed regarding reference in the paper to a pupil travel time of no more than 45 minutes to school.  While understandable for a rural county the Committee were apprehensive about this length of travelling time for primary pupils.  Concern was also expressed about the length of travel time pupils attending special school were currently experiencing. 
  • Continuing the transport theme the Committee requested that school transport e.g. use of the Yellow Bus Scheme, be considered in the Committee Work Programme item.
  • Concern was also expressed in relation to the level of provision for 6th Form or post 16 education particularly in view of any increase due to changes at The Minster, Leominster, and Wyebridge Sports College, Hereford.
  • A view was expressed that current Pupil Referral Units (PRUs) were full and that PRU provision would need to be included in the review when considering future pupil provision.
  • In view of the unsettling nature of the review on schools the Committee expressed concern that sufficient staff and resources be devoted to undertaking the review to ensure that it was completed to timetable.



a)      the Committee’s concerns relating to pupil travel times; 6th Form and post 16 education provision levels, and ensuring the review was completed to timetable be noted for consideration by the Executive in finalising the Statement of Principles; and

a)      further reports on the review of provision of school places and school transport issues e.g. use of the Yellow Bus Scheme, be considered as items for the Committee Work Programme item later in the agenda.

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