Browse meetings

Local Admissions Forum

This page lists the meetings for Local Admissions Forum.


Information about Local Admissions Forum

NOTE: the Local Admissions Forum was disbanded following changes to the School Admissions Code


Local Admissions Forum for Herefordshire


The constitution of the Local Admissions Forum has been established under the provisions of the Education (Admission Forums) (England) Regulations 2002.


For the purpose of organising a local admissions forum, the Local Education Authority has determined that the relevant area will be the County of Herefordshire.  If the discussion covers a cross-border issue the Forum may invite a representative from the appropriate authority.


The role of a forum shall be to:


(a)  consider how well existing and proposed admission arrangements serve the interests of children and parents within the area of the authority;


(b)  consider the consistency and coherence of each admission authority’s criteria for determining offers in the event of oversubscription.


(c)  promote agreement on admission issues;


(d)  consider the comprehensiveness and accessibility of the admissions literature and information for parents, produced by each admission authority within the area of the forum;


(e)  consider the effectiveness of the authority's proposed co-ordinated admission arrangements;


(f)   consider the means by which admissions processes might be improved and how actual admissions relate to the admission numbers published;


(g)  Monitor the admission of children who arrive in the authority's area outside a normal admission round with a view to promoting arrangements for the fair distribution of such children among local schools, taking account of any preference expressed in accordance with arrangements made under section 86(1) of the Act;


(h)  Promote the arrangements of children with special educational needs, looked after children and children who have been excluded from school;


(i)    Insofar as not included within paragraphs (a) to (h), consider any admissions issues arising.


For further information on the Local Admissions Forum please contact Democratic & Governance Services on (01432) 260249.