Agenda and minutes

Venue: Council Chamber, The Shire Hall, St Peter's Square, Hereford, HR1 2HX

Contact: Ben Baugh, Governance Services 

Note: Please note revised start time 

No. Item


Apologies for absence

To receive apologies for absence.


Apologies for absence had been received from the committee’s education co-optees (Mr. Burbidge, Mrs. Fisher, Mr. Fuller and Mr. Sell).


Named substitutes

To receive details of members nominated to attend the meeting in place of a member of the committee.


No substitutions were made.


Declarations of interest

To receive any declarations of interest by members.


No declarations of interest were made.


Minutes pdf icon PDF 149 KB

To receive the minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2015.


The minutes of the previous meeting were received.

RESOLVED:       That the minutes of the meeting held on 30 September 2015 be approved as a correct record.


Suggestions from the public pdf icon PDF 99 KB

To consider suggestions from the public on issues the committee could scrutinise in the future.

(There will be no discussion of the issue at the time when the matter is raised.  Consideration will be given to whether it should form part of the committee’s work programme when compared with other competing priorities.)

Additional documents:


Referring to an email reproduced within Supplement 1 to the agenda, the Chairman wished to thank Mr. McKay for his continued interest.  It was noted that a briefing note had already been issued to committee members about Public Rights of Way and that a response to correspondence was requested at the last meeting (minute 26 refers).  The Chairman acknowledged that officer time and resources were finite but requested that a definitive briefing note on the various matters raised by Mr. McKay be prepared and circulated by the middle of November 2015.


Questions from the public pdf icon PDF 70 KB

To note questions received from the public and the items to which they relate.

(Questions are welcomed for consideration at a scrutiny committee meeting subject to the question being directly relevant to an item listed on the agenda below.  If you have a question you would like to ask then please submit it no later than 1.00 pm on Thursday 22 October 2015 to


The Chairman drew attention to the questions and responses provided within Supplement 1 to the agenda.   Members of the public, particularly county farm tenants and the NFU, were thanked for their questions which provided useful context to inform the debate; in view of the number of questions received, supplementary questions were not taken at this meeting.  The Chairman advised that further questions had been received after the identified deadline and these would be responded to as soon as possible following the meeting.


Task and finish group report: smallholdings estate (county farms) pdf icon PDF 65 KB

To consider the findings of the scrutiny task and finish group: smallholdings estate (county farms) and to recommend the report to the executive for consideration.

Additional documents:


The Chairman presented the task and finish group report on the smallholdings estate (county farms) with the following statement:

It is my duty here as Chairman of the task and finish group to present the general overview and scrutiny committee (GOSC) task and finish group review of the council’s smallholdings estate – referred to as the county farms.

This review is an example of the GOSC in its forward looking role which is, I believe, as important as its duty to look back and scrutinise what had already taken place.

I am sure you have read, very carefully, the results of our labours.

I would like to thank publically my fellow councillors on the task and finish group and our supporting officers: Richard Gabb, Helen Beale, George Thompson and Ben Baugh.  They have all worked very hard and with great good humour.  It has been a pleasure working with you all and I thank you for your diligent input and determined questioning.

Not everyone in Herefordshire knows about our county farms but, for a hundred years and more, they have been an important part of the county’s involvement in agriculture. However, in these straightened financial circumstances, GOSC was tasked with carrying out an in depth scrutiny of the county farms – Were they still doing their job of being a way into farming in a small way and leading to bigger farms if possible?  Were they fulfilling the core needs and priorities of the council?  Could their structure and management be improved?  And so on.  We also looked carefully at costs and returns from the county farms.

The results of our deliberations are before you.  I must also point out that about half of our county farm tenants are on lifetime or retirement tenancies which must be taken into account.  Another point is that any sales of county farms are going to cost quite a lot to market and sell and this should be considered in our deliberations.  It also has to be said that the county landholdings have increased hugely in value, with land at about £10k an acre these days. 

Remember, once an asset like county farms are sold, they are gone forever.  If any sales are made one would hope that any money gained would go towards assets that would help sustain the county in its statutory and key duties.

We must also remember that farming has been the lifeblood of Herefordshire and our county farms have been an important, if quite small by acreage, part of our agricultural heritage and daily background. 

We are also dealing with the lives and livelihoods of 45 families.  We have duties to them as well – as we have been very mindful to point out in our recommendations.

I now look forward to listening to your debate on the matter of the county farms and hope that the recommendations put before you can be sent to Cabinet for their decision.  I trust they will act wisely and only come  ...  view the full minutes text for item 38.


Work programme pdf icon PDF 92 KB

To consider the committee’s work programme.

Additional documents:


An updated work programme was submitted for consideration.  The Chairman drew attention to the following:

i.             To enable the committee to consider housing related items and to receive an item on the Local transport plan, it was proposed that an additional meeting be held on Monday 7 December 2015.

ii.            The Chairman was due to discuss the Community infrastructure levy (CIL) with officers to identify the best way forward in terms of further scrutiny input. 

iii.          An all member seminar, to be led by the scrutiny chairs, was being arranged towards the end of November on the Devolution offer.

iv.          A seminar was being arranged for members of the committee in December to include presentations on the Accommodation strategy and on Digital strategy.

A committee member asked that, as chair of the previous phases of the CIL task and finish group, she be involved in the Chairman’s discussions with officers as referred to in paragraph ii) above.


(a)     The draft work programme be noted; and

(b)     An additional committee meeting be arranged for Monday 7 December 2015 at 2.00pm.


Date of next meeting

The next scheduled meeting is Tuesday 17 November 2015; scrutiny

members are advised to attend from 10.00am with the presentation of the

Budget and Medium Term Financial Strategy at the Health and social care

overview and scrutiny committee.


The Chairman advised the committee that the next scheduled meeting would be held on Tuesday 17 November 2015 and outlined the arrangements.