Issue - meetings


Meeting: 24/01/2008 - Cabinet (Item 21)


To report:


(i)         the Council’s performance for the first eight months of 2007-08 against the Annual Operating Plan 2007-08 and national performance indicators used externally to measure the performance of the Council;


(ii)        partnership performance for the first six months in delivering the Local Public Service Agreement, Local Area Agreement and Herefordshire Community Strategy; and


(iii)       performance against revenue and capital budgets and corporate risks, and remedial action to address areas of under-performance. 


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Cabinet received the report on the Integrated Performance and Finance Report outlining the Council’s performance against the Annual Operating Plan 2007/08 and national performance indicators.  The report also outlined partnership performance for the first six months in delivering Local Public Service Agreements, Local Area Agreements and the Herefordshire Community Strategy.  The Cabinet Member Corporate and Customer Services and Human Resources praised the report but added that there was still work to do with partner organisations in relation to performance monitoring. 


In looking at the highlights of the report Cabinet was informed that there were 23 indicators at red and 24 at green, with a large number still at amber therefore it was unknown whether the target would be reached or not for those areas.  Cabinet was advised that the Council was tougher on itself than the Audit Commission regarding its direction of travel.  Cabinet was up dated on the overall Comprehensive Performance Assessment result for the Council which is moving from three to two stars.  This was as a result of a drop to two stars for the Use of Resources and 1 star for Housing.  Cabinet was informed that the drop in the score for housing was not as a result of deterioration in performance, but as a result of a change in the selection of housing performance indicators used by the Audit Commission.  Members were advised the indicator was now to measure the length of stay, as opposed to how many families, in bed and breakfast accommodation.  A Member in attendance praised the report for its clarity and reiterated the need to emphasise to partner organisations the importance of performance management.


Cabinet addressed the 2007/08 projected outturn as at the end of November 2007, which was just over £3m.  There was an increase in the invest to save underspend of £3.5k.  With Herefordshire Connects there was a reduction in anticipated expenditure as the project was on hold, with the end of November report showing a £1m overspend.  With regards to the Bellwin claim due to the July 2007 flooding there was an overspend; however, there would be a claim from Government for approximately £3m.  Cabinet was advised that an area of risk was within Adult and Community Services directorate regarding HALO and job evaluation issues. 



(a)      performance to the end of November 2007 and the adequacy of the proposed remedial actions to address areas of under performance be considered; and

(b)      Cabinet recommend that the Herefordshire Partnership Performance Management Group address under performance on indicators that are led by partner organisation.

Meeting: 07/09/2006 - Cabinet (Item 3.)


To note performance to the end of July 2006 against the Annual Operating Plan 2006-07, together with performance against revenue and capital budgets and corporate risks, and remedial action to address areas of under-performance.  The report also covers the progress being made against the Council’s Overall Improvement Programme, which includes the Joint Area Review (JAR) Action Plan, the Adult Social Care Improvement Plan and the Herefordshire Connects programme.

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