Issue - meetings

Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Report to HWBB re Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Suicide during 2020

Meeting: 06/12/2021 - Health and Wellbeing Board (Item 18)

18 Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Report to HWBB re Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Suicide during 2020 pdf icon PDF 213 KB

For the Health and Wellbeing Board (HWBB) to consider the report at appendix 1 by the Herefordshire Safeguarding Childrens Partnership (HSCP).


Additional documents:


The board received the report Herefordshire Safeguarding Partnership Report to HWBB RE Children and Young People’s Mental Health and Suicide during 2020. Heather Manning (Deputy Designated Safeguarding Nurse, NHS Herefordshire and Worcestershire CCG)) and Darryl Freeman (Corporate Director for Children & Young People, Herefordshire Council) introduced the report. Mr Freeman provided clarification on the report recommendation: the board was being asked by the Herefordshire Safeguarding Children Partnership to seek assurance that effective processes were in place to prevent further deaths by suicide and self-harm and that the Health and Wellbeing Board seek assurance regarding the resilience of and access to mental health services locally.


It was noted that this was a board responsibility and not one for safeguarding partners.


The board raised the following points and questions:


·        Clarity was sought regarding children and young people numbers being referred to the school nursing services during Covid-19.


Heather Manning explained the decrease in referrals may have occurred when schools were not open for children and so therefore they were not being seen by the school nursing in situ.


·        The board requested further clarity on the recommendation.


A board discussion took place in which it was noted that the Children and Young People’s Partnership had been stood down for part of the year, but had recently re-emerged and would potentially be a board where an action could be tasked. Dr Tait asked the board if it felt there were any people not in the room/attending virtually who needed to be involved in the debate. No names were put forward. The board subsequently developed a number of additions and amendments in place of the original recommendation including requests for assurances on: effective processes being put in place to prevent further incidents, greater involvement and commitment from system partners, third sector and other groups, and the provision of an interim report to the board before the detailed report in June 2022.


The board agreed a change to the recommendation (a) in the report. The change reflected the collective input from the vice-chair, members and attendees during the debate.


The recommendations were proposed and seconded and approved unanimously.




a)           The Health and Wellbeing Board requests that the Children and Young People’s Partnership Board examines the following topics in order to obtain assurance on:


·              effective processes being in place to prevent further deaths by suicide and self-harm


·              there being resilience in terms of health and wellbeing services locally, including access to mental health services


b)          System partners commit to a partnership approach to responding to any recommendations arising from the report in terms of prevention and outcomes.


c)           Opportunities to maximise the input of voluntary, third sector and other groups be explored, e.g. through the ‘working better together’ initiative.


d)          An update on progress be provided in the form of an interim report to the Board at its next scheduled meeting in March 2022, with a detailed report in June 2022.