Issue - meetings

Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Action Plan

Meeting: 22/03/2021 - General scrutiny committee (Item 53)

53 Local Flood Risk Management Strategy Action Plan pdf icon PDF 223 KB

To consider the 2016-2022 local flood risk management strategy action plan which identifies a programme of work for reducing local flood risk within Herefordshire.

Additional documents:


The Committee considered the 2016-22 local flood risk management strategy action plan.


The Directorate Services Team Leader presented the report.


The Committee discussed the matter.


Officers and representatives of the Environment Agency and BBLP responded to a number of questions.


RESOLVED: to recommend to the executive:


That:     (a)     prioritisation of actions in the action plan be re-evaluated;


              (b)     the council strengthen efforts with the Environment Agency to focus on flood mitigation measures for all watercourses;


              (c)     further efforts be made to reinforce the message to landowners to emphasise their riparian responsibilities  as riparian owners to maintain drainage and make them aware of support and assistance available through the Council;


              (d)     consider how the Council can increase resources to manage drainage issues and invest in the drainage asset;


              (e)     review weighting given to the threshold for action to implement measures to address flooding on lengths of highway known to flood frequently, having regard to the need to ensure access for emergency vehicles;


              (f)      the liaison between the EA and the Council to disseminate flooding information to residents taking advantage of the Council’s communication networks be kept under review to ensure that it is as effective as possible, noting the role parish councils and community groups can play;


              (g)     consideration be given to whether the website content on flooding is readily accessible and  sufficient or can be improved, with consideration given to use of apps and other methods;


              (h)     improve information to local residents on respective responsibilities of residents themselves, the Council and the Environment Agency;


(i)               consideration be given to an annual survey of Parish Councils to establish information on their flooding experiences and any suggestions for improvements;


              (j)      regard be had to knowledge of local residents and Parish Councils on areas subject to flooding and residents and Parish Councils be invited and encouraged to submit information;


              (k)     review highways maintenance plan to see if there should be greater focus on roads subject to flooding;


              (l)      consideration be given to raising awareness of the contribution to flooding made by climate change and information available via a link on the council’s website; and


              (m)    the mechanism for the production of Section 19 reports be reviewed and streamlined to seek to ensure the pace of completion is improved and appropriate resource allocated to support this aim.