Issue - meetings

Leader's report to Council

Meeting: 05/03/2021 - Council (Item 54)


To receive a report from the leader on the activities of the executive (cabinet) since the meeting of Council on 11 December 2020.

Additional documents:


Council received and noted the Leader’s report which provided an update of the work of the cabinet since the previous ordinary meeting of Council in December 2020. The Leader introduced his report and explained that as lockdown restrictions were easing there was concern for the impact of the restrictions on the mental health of children and young people. The cabinet were taking forward the delivery of the priorities in the corporate plan which was evidenced by the proposed transfer of the freehold of the town hall and the work that scrutiny was requested to undertake concerning the incidence of flooding on the highway.


The following issues were raised:


·         The active travel measures and the level of modal shift required to achieve a reduction in the level of congestion. A written response would be provided.

·         The ongoing and future costs of Maylords Orchard and the value of the facility to the community.

·         The need for an alternative council chamber in the event of a resumption of physical meetings.

·         A request for an update on the wetlands project. A written response would be provided.

·         A request for an independent assessment of the service provided by HOPE in Bromyard. The extension of the current contract enabled a more detailed review.

·         The work undertaken to propose a second river crossing and support from local parties.

·         Progress with the West Midlands Rail Executive.

·         Flooding on Herefordshire highways.

·         Available statistics to detail the level of unemployment among young people. A written response would be provided.

·         The re-procurement of the advocacy service and the possible inclusion of mediation services in the tender.

·         Guidance from Natural England regarding phosphate pollution and the status of emerging Neighbourhood Development Plans (NDPs). A briefing note for all members would be compiled and circulated.

·         The transfer of the freehold of the Town Hall and if essential maintenance work would be completed prior to handover. A written response would be provided.

·         The closure of the C1055 and the urgent need for its reopening. A written response would be sought from Balfour Beatty Living Places as to the priority afforded to the road in the works programme.

·         Consultancy costs involved in the destination bid for the county. A full update on the project would be provided in the next edition of the newsletter from the cabinet member for environment, economy and skills.

·         Methods to keep members up to date regarding the latest council tax collection rate and the level of arrears in council tax and business tax. Details were available in the quarterly update and the latest details could be sent in a written response.