Issue - meetings
Hereford Transport Strategy
Meeting: 24/06/2021 - Cabinet (Item 14)
14 Hereford Transport Strategy PDF 430 KB
To agree the approach to progressing the development and delivery of the transport strategy in 2021/22.
To allocate funding required to support the development and delivery of activities set out in this report.
Additional documents:
- Appendix 1 Hereford Transport Review Technical Report, WSP November 2020, item 14 PDF 4 MB
- Appendix 2 Cost Estimates for Hereford Transport Strategy Review, WSP November 2020, item 14 PDF 239 KB
The cabinet member for infrastructure and transport introduced the report
The head of transport and access services presented the report, details of which are outlined in the agenda pack.
In discussion of the report, the cabinet members noted that:
1. A new river crossing could take up to 8 years. One of the tasks would be to look at the programme and to identify work which could be brought forward. The aim would be 5 years, subject to this piece of work being undertaken
2. There were statutory processes to undertake which were not in the control of the council with regard to the new river crossing so the timetabling had taken a cautious approach.
3. There was now additional in-house capacity so other measures could now move with more pace rather than rely on consultants.
4. The school traffic was a major cause of congestion and funding had been identified to help with school travel plans and communications.
5. It was anticipated that as restrictions further eased, people would start to use buses more.
6. There were new regulations which allowed councils to work with bus providers.
7. There was a commitment to ensure that all transport projects had a detailed climate assessment undertaken.
8. There had been a motion at council which had broadly agreed a move to 20mph in all residential areas so there was a request that this was followed through as this lower speed reduced accidents and deaths.
9. There should be consultation with equality groups within the county, e.g. women’s equality group.
10. There would be a need to identify public toilets so that there were sufficient numbers.
11. There needed to be consideration for better signage for travel around the city.
Group Leaders and representatives were invited to present their views and queries from their group. It was noted:
1. The commitment to the active travel measures and school travel plans were welcomed.
2. The improved connectivity between the A49 and A465 was positive.
3. Improved infrastructure between Bridge Sollars and Belmont may also take traffic out of the city.
4. There were mixed views on the river crossing. It was accepted that there was a need for resilience with an additional river crossing. It was also commented that an Eastern crossing may encourage more through travel.
5. In order to bid for capital funding from government, there would need to be a business plan and this would now be developed.
6. The effective use of the bus network was noted but there would be a need to understand the long term revenue impact for the council.
7. If there was more capacity to travel in different ways, there will be a reduction in traffic congestion.
(a) Cabinet confirms its priorities for progressing the Hereford Transport Strategy and allocates £1.24m one off revenue funds for 2021/22 as follows:
i. £300k to progress feasibility and design for safer routes to school infrastructure schemes;
ii. £150k to develop a cycling and walking masterplan ... view the full minutes text for item 14