Issue - meetings

Schools Capital Investment Programme

Meeting: 21/01/2021 - Cabinet (Item 57)

57 Schools Capital Investment Programme pdf icon PDF 175 KB

To approve the proposed expenditure of the preliminary works budget included in the capital programme.


The cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets introduced the report. She highlighted the importance of undertaking feasibility studies to have accurate costs for required works and that she had worked closely with the cabinet member for children and families.


The cabinet member children and families noted the importance of the learning environment for children and young people and that as well as increasing capacity as required the council also wanted to work towards better environmental standards in its buildings.


The head of educational development summarised the report and the key outputs expected from the feasibility work. He explained the different funding streams and their limitations.


Cabinet members noted that there would be a tendering process for works based on the information obtained from the feasibility studies and that there would be opportunities to reflect priorities around physical and mental health as well as environmental standards in the designs.


Group leaders expressed general support for the proposals but noted that it was important to get value for money and that strong project management was essential.


It was resolved that:




(a)    Feasibility studies, within an approved budget of £475K, are commissioned to inform a programme of school capital investment work;


(b)    The Assistant Director for Education, Development and Skills be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to deliver the required schedule of feasibility studies  within the approved budget of £475k including fees; and


(c)    The Assistant Director for Education, Development and Skills be authorised to take all operational decisions necessary to vary the schedule of feasibility studies should any information received require them to do so.