Issue - meetings

Delivery Plan 2020/22

Meeting: 26/11/2020 - Cabinet (Item 23)

23 Delivery Plan 2020/22 pdf icon PDF 153 KB

To agree proposals for the council’s Delivery Plan 2020-22.

Additional documents:


The leader of the council introduced the new delivery plan and thanked officers for their work in producing it. He noted the impact of covid on the production of the plan and the period it now covered. The leader highlighted the priorities in the plan and how they fitted with stated expectations from central government.


The assistant director strategy explained how the plan had been brought together. Progress would be reported on through quarterly reports to cabinet and it was expected that covid would continue to impact on the work of the council for some time.


The cabinet member commissioning, procurement and assets flagged that equality impact assessments should be carried out prior to projects starting.


The cabinet member environment, economy and skills highlighted two amendments that had been suggested by Councillor Milln in response to the second round of consultation with councillors. These were set out in a supplement to the report. The cabinet member infrastructure and transport confirmed he had discussed these with Councillor Milln and proposed an amendment to the plan to partially take on board the first of these points. The second point would not be progressed at this time.


Group leaders were invited to raise comments and queries on behalf of their groups. There was support for many of the projects set out in the plan and it was noted that:

·        It was important to support the local economy and the plan set out measures to support the market towns as well as the city and to help businesses recover from the impacts of covid;

·        The plan set out an explicit focus on reaching those who did not yet have access to fast broadband and other barriers to connectivity;

·        The plan included a priority to deliver affordable homes but it would also be encouraging private enterprise to deliver other housing, for example by tackling the phosphate issue that was restricting building in the north of the county;

·        The council would have to be able to afford any projects and care should be taken particularly in the impact on the revenue budget.



Cabinet members proposed amendments to the draft plan as follows:


·        That a new item EC5.3 be added – “Take appropriate action to ensure our historic environment data is up-to-date.” (Proposed cabinet member infrastructure and transport, seconded cabinet member housing, regulatory services and community safety)


·        That the penultimate bullet point on page 5 of the delivery plan regarding reduced carbon consumption be removed and correction made to the sustainability heading in the table on page 4 of the plan to reference Herefordshire rather than Hereford. (Proposed cabinet member environment, economy and skills, seconded cabinet member health and adult wellbeing.)


On being put to the vote it was agreed that:


(a) Cabinet approves the Delivery Plan, as set out in appendix A, as amended.


The meeting adjourned at 4:33pm and resumed at 4:38pm